app.directive('referrerNotification', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', templateUrl: '/templates/widgets/referrer.html', }; }]); app.controller('loginCtrl', [ '$scope', '$timeout', 'Auth', '$location', 'localStorageService', '$rootScope', '', '$stateParams' , function ($scope, $timeout, Auth, $location, localStorageService, $rootScope, Oauth3, $stateParams) { var vm = this; vm.independentIssuer = false; // TODO reuse most recent issuer? vm.newOauth3 = Oauth3.create(location); vm.timers = {}; vm.defaultIssuer = 'provider.' +^cloud\./, ''); vm.Auth = Auth; vm.session = Auth.session; vm.sessions = Auth.sessions; vm.showAdvanced = true; vm.hideReferrerNotification = 'hidden'; vm.referrerInit = function () { vm.referrerAlert = {}; if ($location.hash() !== '') { var str = $location.hash(); var domain = str.split('=')[1]; vm.referrerAlert.title = domain + " has been created. What's next?"; vm.referrerAlert.msg = "Do this next... Or do this... Or this..."; if (str.indexOf('referrer') === 0) { vm.hideReferrerNotification = ''; vm.closeReferrerModal = function () { var popup = document.querySelector('.referrer-pop-up'); = 'none'; $location.url($location.path()); }; vm.sendToShares = function (){ $location.path('/website'); vm.hideReferrerNotification = 'hidden'; }; } } }; vm.toggleAdvanced = function () { vm.showAdvanced = !vm.showAdvanced; vm.independentIssuer = !vm.independentIssuer; }; vm.notification = true; vm._setSubject = function (subject) { vm.currentSubject = vm.newSubject; subject = subject || vm.newSubject; var issuer = subject.replace(/.*@/, ''); if (vm.independentIssuer) { return $timeout(function () { return; }, 0); } return, { client_uri: Oauth3.clientUri(location) }).then(function (deets) { return vm._setIssuer(issuer); }, function () { // ignore error }); }; vm.setSubject = function (subject) { $timeout.cancel(vm.timers.subject); vm.timers.subject = $timeout(function () { vm._setSubject(subject); }, 300); }; vm._setIssuer = function (url) { vm.spinner = true; url = (url || vm.newIssuer).replace(/.*@/, ''); if (!url) { url = vm.defaultIssuer; } return, { client_uri: Oauth3.clientUri(location) }).then(function (deets) { vm.currentIssuer = url; vm.issuerName = url; return vm.newOauth3.setIdentityProvider(url).then(function (deets) { vm.newOauth3.setResourceProvider(url); vm.spinner = false; // TODO add icon and name to directives }); }, function () { console.log("oauth3 discover timeout: No dice, no change for '" + url + "'"); vm.spinner = false; }); }; vm.setIssuer = function (url) { $timeout.cancel(vm.timers.issuer); vm.timers.issuer = $timeout(function () { vm._setIssuer(url); }, 300); }; vm.setAudience = function (url) { url = url || vm.audienceUrl; vm.audienceName = url; vm.newOauth3.setResourceProvider(url); }; vm.selectSession = function (session) { vm.xauth = true; vm.session = session; return (oauth3) { vm.xauth = false; }); }; vm.instaauth = function () { return vm._setSubject().then(function () { return vm._setIssuer().then(function () { return vm.auth(); }); }); }; vm.auth = function () { console.log('this ran'); var subject = vm.currentSubject; var issuer = vm.issuerName; return vm.newOauth3.authenticate({ subject: subject , scope: [ '', 'domains', '', 'dns', '' ] }).then(function (session) { session.subject = subject; session.issuer = issuer; Auth.add(session); if (Auth.sessions.length === 1) { if ($rootScope.urlCrumbs[0].path === '/splash-page') { $location.path('/home'); } else { window.location.replace($rootScope.urlCrumbs[0].absUrl); } } else { location.reload(); // window.location.replace($rootScope.urlCrumbs[$rootScope.urlCrumbs.length -1].absUrl); } }, function (err) { console.error('auth error'); console.error(err); }); }; vm.newIssuer = vm.defaultIssuer; vm.setIssuer(vm.defaultIssuer); vm.getSession = function() { return; }; vm.initListLoggedInProfiles = function () { vm.activeProfiles = Auth.getActiveSessions(); }; vm.signIn = function () { vm.auth(); }; vm.masterLogOut = function () { localStorage.clear(); $location.path('/splash-page'); }; vm.signOut = function () { vm.getSession().then(function(){ // TODO the sign-out url for each account should be fixed. return Auth.signOut().then(function () { if (Auth.sessions.length === 0) { $location.path('/splash-page'); return; } window.alert("You are still logged in with other accounts."); }); }); }; }]);