902 lines
25 KiB
902 lines
25 KiB
(function () {
'use strict';
var app = window.app;
// Angular file upload hack
// TODO modularize for reuse
function analyzeFile(file, vm) {
vm.triggerFileRefresh = 'changed';
vm.isZip = /\.zip$/.test(file.name);
vm.unzip = vm.isZip;
vm.stripZip = vm.isZip;
return vm;
function handleFiles(ev) {
var selector = 'js-file-upload';
var $scope;
var vm;
if ('INPUT' !== ev.target.tagName || 'file' !== ev.target.type || -1 === ev.target.className.indexOf(selector)) {
$scope = angular.element(ev.target).scope();
// 'vm' is the Controller As name.
vm = $scope.vm;
vm.currentFiles = ev.target.files;
analyzeFile(vm.currentFiles[0], vm);
console.log('[handleFiles] vm.currentFiles:');
window.document.body.addEventListener('change', handleFiles);
app.directive('daplieFileChange', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
element.bind('change', function (event) {
var files = event.target.files;
app.directive('fileTree', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
templateUrl: '/templates/widgets/filetree.html',
controller: 'websiteCtrl as vm'
app.directive('notificationBar', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
templateUrl: '/templates/widgets/website-notification-bar.html',
controller: 'websiteCtrl as vm'
app.controller('websiteCtrl', [
'$scope', '$q', 'Auth', 'azp@oauth3.org', '$timeout', '$sce'
, function ($scope, $q, Auth, Oauth3, $timeout, $sce) {
var vm = this;
var angular = window.angular;
vm.domains = [];
vm.copyUploadPath = '';
vm.displaySpinner = '';
vm.deleteAll = '';
vm.alertNotification = {
hidden: 'hidden'
//vm.unzipPath = '/';
vm.uploadPath = '/';
// already validated
function domainIsVerified(r) {
return r.verifiedAt || r.mode;
Auth.api = function (apiname, opts) {
var els = [];
return $q.all(Auth.sessions.map(function (session) {
return Auth.get(session).then(function (oauth3) {
return oauth3.api(apiname, {}).then(function (collection) {
if (collection.error) {
// not all tokens support all apis
if (!Array.isArray(collection)) {
console.error('collection is not an array');
collection.forEach(function (el) {
el.session = session.token.sub + '@' + session.token.iss;
})).then(function (results) {
return els;
vm.getDomains = function () {
return Auth.oauth3.api('domains.list', {}).then(function (result) {
vm.domains = result.registrations || result;
vm.setDomain = function () {
if (!vm.domains || !vm.domains.length) {
vm.domain = { domain: vm.newDomain };
vm.domains.some(function (domain) {
if (domain.domain === vm.newDomain) {
vm.domain = domain;
return true;
if (!vm.domain) {
vm.domain = { domain: vm.newDomain };
if (!vm.domain.tld) {
var parts = vm.domain.domain.split('.');
vm.domain.sld = parts.shift();
vm.domain.tld = parts.join('.');
vm.selectDomain = function (domain) {
vm.domain = domain; //vm.selectedDomain.description;
vm.newDomain = vm.domain.domain;
return Auth.api('dns.list', { }).then(function (records) {
records = records.filter(function (r) {
return /^A(AAA)?$/i.test(r.type) && ((r.sld + '.' + r.tld) === vm.domain.domain || r.zone === vm.domain.domain);
vm.records = records;
records.forEach(function (record) {
if (!record.sub) {
record.sub = record.host.replace('.' + record.zone, '');
if (record.host === record.zone) {
record.sub = '@';
console.log('[selectDomain] dns records:');
vm.setRecord = function () {
// TODO set record based on (record.host === sub + domain.domain)
var sub = vm.newRecord;
if ('@' === sub) {
sub = '';
vm.record = { sub: sub, host: (sub ? sub + '.' : '') + vm.domain.domain };
vm.currentHost = vm.record.host;
console.log('[setRecord] vm.record:');
vm.selectRecord = function (record) {
vm.record = record;
vm.newRecord = record.sub;
vm.currentHost = record.host; // .replace(new RegExp('\\.' + vm.domain.domain.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '$', ''));
vm._uploadFileVm = function (pkg, opts) {
return vm._uploadFile(pkg, {
domain: opts.currentHost
, tld: opts.domain.tld
, sld: opts.domain.sld
, sub: opts.domain.sub
, newFile: opts.newFile
, uploadPath: opts.uploadPath
, progress: opts
vm._uploadFile = function (pkg, opts) {
vm.newFileUploaded = opts.newFile.name;
opts.progress = opts.progress || opts;
return pkg.add({
hostname: opts.domain
, domain: opts.domain
, tld: opts.tld
, sld: opts.sld
//, sub: opts.record.sub
, multipart: { site: opts.newFile }
, progress: function (ev) {
// TODO must digest
opts.progress.uploadPercent = Math.round((ev.loaded / ev.total) * 100);
// TODO GiB, MiB, KiB, etc
opts.progress.uploadTotal = (ev.total / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2);
opts.progress.uploadProgress = (ev.loaded / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2);
, unzip: opts.unzip
, strip: opts.stripZip
, path: opts.uploadPath
}).then(function (result) {
var msg = vm.newFileUploaded + " has been uploaded"
opts.progress.uploadTotal = 0;
vm.buildNotification(result, msg);
// window.alert(JSON.stringify(result));
vm._isSubDomain = function (sub, domain) {
return -1 !== ('.' + sub).indexOf(('.' + domain));
vm.Sites = {};
vm.Sites.create = function () {
var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
var parts;
var sub;
var sld;
var tld;
if (!vm.currentFiles || !vm.currentFiles.length) {
window.alert('No files chosen.');
if (1 !== vm.currentFiles.length) {
window.alert('Too many files chosen.');
if (!vm.newFile) {
window.alert('No file chosen.');
if (!vm.currentHost) {
window.alert('No hostname chosen.');
if (vm.domain) {
if (!vm.domain.tld || !vm.domain.sld) {
parts = vm.domain.domain.split('.');
sld = parts.shift();
tld = parts.join('.');
} else {
sld = vm.domain.sld;
tld = vm.domain.tld;
} else {
parts = vm.currentHost.split('.');
// TODO get list of tlds
tld = parts.pop();
sld = parts.pop();
sub = parts.join('.');
if (vm.sites.some(function (r) {
return (-1 !== ('.' + vm.currentHost).indexOf(('.' + r.domain))) && domainIsVerified(r);
})) {
vm._uploadFileVm(pkg, vm);
// We're making a request to claim a domain
// (because two users could both claim a single domain)
// We're claiming it at the top level (i.e. example.com)
// but we could also claim it at the subdomain level (needs UI update)
var domainReq = { sld: sld, tld: tld, sub: undefined };
return pkg.request(domainReq).then(function (result) {
var sess;
var prom;
var def;
// can validate automatically
if (vm.domain.session && vm._isSubDomain(vm.currentHost, vm.domain.domain)) {
// this should always succeed
Auth.sessions.some(function (session) {
if (vm.domain.session === (session.token.sub + '@' + session.token.iss)) {
sess = session;
return session;
if (sess) {
prom = Auth.get(sess).then(function (oauth3) {
return oauth3.api('dns.set', { sld: sld, tld: tld, sub: ('' + result.data.prefix), type: 'TXT', ttl: 300, value: result.data.challenge });
if (!prom) {
def = $q.defer();
// must validate manually
"Please set a TXT record for '"
+ ('' + result.data.prefix) + '.' + sld + '.' + tld
+ "' with the value '" + result.data.challenge + "' and then continue."
prom = def.promise;
return prom.then(function () {
return pkg.claim(domainReq).then(function (result) {
return vm._uploadFileVm(pkg, vm);
vm.Sites.setUpload = function (r) {
console.log("Hey! At least it can tell if there's a change!");
if (r.newFile === undefined) {
r.newFile = vm.newFile;
analyzeFile(r.newFile, r);
vm.showCompleteFileUploadBtn = true;
vm.Sites.upload = function (r) {
if (r.uploadPath === undefined) {
r.uploadPath = vm.breadcrumbsPath.join('/');
} else {
r.uploadPath = vm.breadcrumbsPath.join('/') + vm.autoPopulateWebPath;
vm.copyr = r;
var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
//analyzeFile(r.newFile, r);
vm._uploadFile(pkg, r);
vm.Sites.archive = function (r) {
var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
return pkg.archive({
hostname: r.domain
, domain: r.domain
, tld: r.tld
, sld: r.sld
//, sub: vm.record.sub
//, path: vm.uploadPath
}).then(function (result) {
// TODO use iframe to initiate download?
vm.Sites.remove = function (r, opts) {
var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
vm.pathRemoved = opts.path;
return pkg.remove({
hostname: r.domain
, domain: r.domain
, tld: r.tld
, sld: r.sld
//, sub: vm.record.sub
, path: opts.path
, confirm: opts.confirm || r.confirm
}).then(function (result) {
var msg = "'"+ vm.pathRemoved + "'" + ' has been removed';
vm.buildNotification(result, msg);
// window.alert(JSON.stringify(result));
vm.deleteFilesFrom = function (r, path, opts) {
var confirmMessage;
opts = {};
if (path === undefined) {
confirmMessage = "Delete all files for this site?";
opts.path = '/';
opts.confirm = true;
vm.deleteAll = 'true';
} else if (path.includes(".")) {
confirmMessage = "Delete this file?";
if (vm.autoPopulateWebPath === undefined) {
opts.path = r.shareAccess.path + path;
} else {
opts.path = vm.autoPopulateWebPath + path;
} else {
confirmMessage = "Delete all items in this folder?";
if (vm.autoPopulateWebPath === undefined) {
opts.path = path;
} else if (vm.autoPopulateWebPath.includes(path)) {
opts.path = vm.autoPopulateWebPath;
} else {
opts.path = vm.autoPopulateWebPath + path;
opts.confirm = true;
if (!window.confirm(confirmMessage)) {
vm.Sites.remove(r, opts);
vm.breadcrumbs = ['root'];
vm.breadcrumbsPath = ['/'];
vm.breadcrumbPathClicked = false;
vm.webPathAutofill = '/';
vm.Sites.contents = function (r) {
vm.siteResults = r;
vm.directoryPath = r.newPath;
vm.siteDirectories = [];
vm.siteFiles = [];
var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
vm.getSiteContents = function (site, newPath) {
newPath = site;
site = vm.siteResults;
function updatePath (path) {
vm.currentFolder = path;
if (typeof path !== 'object') {
vm.autoPopulateWebPath = vm.breadcrumbsPath;
vm.autoPopulateWebPath = vm.autoPopulateWebPath.join('');
} else {
vm.currentFolder = "hidden";
if (vm.breadcrumbPathClicked) {
if (path === 'root') {
vm.breadcrumbs = ['root'];
vm.breadcrumbsPath = ['/'];
vm.breadcrumbPathClicked = false;
vm.autoPopulateWebPath = "/";
vm.showUploadContainer = false;
} else {
var breadcrumbsPath = vm.breadcrumbsPath;
var breadcrumbs = vm.breadcrumbs;
var removeFromBreadcrumbsPath = breadcrumbsPath.indexOf(path) + 1;
var removeFromBreadcrumbs = breadcrumbs.indexOf(path) + 1;
vm.breadcrumbsPath = breadcrumbsPath.splice(0,removeFromBreadcrumbsPath);
vm.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs.splice(0,removeFromBreadcrumbs);
var updatebreadcrumbsPath = vm.breadcrumbsPath;
vm.autoPopulateWebPath = updatebreadcrumbsPath.join('');
vm.autoPopulateWebPath = vm.autoPopulateWebPath + '/';
if (site.shareAccess !== undefined) {
if (site.shareAccess.path !== '/') {
vm.strictBreadcrumbs = site.shareAccess.path;
vm.breadcrumbsPath = site.shareAccess.path.split('/');
vm.breadcrumbs = site.shareAccess.path.split('/');
if (vm.requestSearchPath !== undefined && vm.requestSearchPath.includes(vm.strictBreadcrumbs)) {
vm.breadcrumbsPath = vm.requestSearchPath.split('/');
var lastItem = vm.breadcrumbsPath[vm.breadcrumbsPath.length - 1];
if (vm.breadcrumbPathClicked) {
return pkg.contents({
hostname: site.domain,
domain: site.domain,
tld: site.tld,
sld: site.sld,
//, sub: r.sub,
path: vm.breadcrumbsPath.join('/')
}).then(function (result) {
vm.displaySpinner = 'hidden';
vm.folderStructure = result;
result.data.forEach(function(file) {
if (file.directory) {
} else if (file.file) {
vm.cleanPath = function () {
vm.savedPath = vm.autoPopulateWebPath;
vm.autoPopulateWebPath = '';
vm.hideFolderInput = '';
vm.showUploadFilesContainer = false;
vm.showCompleteFileUploadBtn = false;
vm.showUploadFolderContainer = false;
vm.showUploadButton = true;
vm.showFolderAction = true;
vm.createNewFolder = function (r) {
if (vm.savedPath === undefined) {
vm.savedPath = '/';
vm.hideFolderInput = 'hidden';
vm.showFileUploadBtn = true;
r.uploadPath = vm.savedPath + vm.autoPopulateWebPath;
vm.autoPopulateFolderName = function () {
if (vm.currentFolder === 'hidden') {
vm.autoPopulateWebPath = '/';
vm.getDirectories = function (path) {
vm.displaySpinner = '';
vm.siteDirectories = [];
vm.siteFiles = [];
var site = vm.siteResults;
vm.directoryPath = path;
path = site.shareAccess.path + path;
vm.requestSearchPath = path;
vm.getSiteContents(path, site);
vm.showUploadButton = false;
vm.showFolderAction = false;
vm.getDirectoriesFromBreadcrumbs = function (dir) {
if (dir === 'root') {
vm.showFolderAction = true;
vm.showUploadButton = true;
} else {
vm.showFolderAction = false;
vm.showUploadButton = false;
vm.breadcrumbPathClicked = true;
vm.siteDirectories = [];
vm.siteFiles = [];
vm.triggerDeleteFolder = function (folder, r) {
vm.deleteFilesFrom(r, folder);
vm.doSomething = function (r) {
window.alert("Fix me");
vm.Shares = {};
vm.Shares.invite = function (r) {
vm.domainName = r.domain;
if (vm.copiedShareMode === undefined) {
r.shareMode = '';
} else {
r.shareMode = vm.copiedShareMode;
r.sharePath = vm.breadcrumbsPath.join('');
var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
return pkg.invite({
comment: r.shareEmail
, email: r.shareEmail
, domain: r.domain
, tld: r.tld
, sld: r.sld
//, sub: r.sub
, path: r.sharePath
, mode: r.shareMode
}).then(function (result) {
var arr = r.sharedWith || [];
r.sharedWith = arr;
var msg;
var person = result.data.comment;
if (result.data.error) {
msg = result.data.error.message;
} else {
vm.displaySpinner = 'hidden';
msg = 'shared with ' + person;
vm.showInviteContainer = false;
vm.showSharesContainer = true;
r.shareEmail = '';
$scope.selectedAccess = [];
vm.currentFolder = undefined;
vm.buildNotification(result, msg);
// window.alert(JSON.stringify(result.data));
vm.Shares.accept = function () {
var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
return pkg.acceptInvite({
token: vm.Shares.inviteToken
}).then(function (result) {
vm.Shares.list = function (r) {
var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
return pkg.listShares({
domain: r.domain
, hostname: r.domain
, tld: r.tld
, sld: r.sld
//, sub: r.sub
, path: r.sharePath
}).then(function (result) {
if (result.data.length === 0) {
vm.notSharedMessage = "Currently not shared...";
vm.displaySpinner = 'hidden';
console.log('list shares result:');
r.sharedWith = result.data;
//r.usersnames = r.sharedWith.map().join(',');
vm.Shares.remove = function (r, s) {
var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
return pkg.removeShare({
domain: s.domain
, hostname: s.domain
, tld: s.tld
, sld: s.sld
//, sub: r.sub
, path: s.sharePath
, challenge: s.challenge
}).then(function (result) {
var person = result.data.comment;
var msg = "revoked access from " + person;
vm.buildNotification(result, msg);
console.log('remove share result:');
var index;
r.sharedWith.forEach(function (_s, i) {
if (s.challenge === _s.challenge) {
index = i;
r.sharedWith.splice(index, 1);
//r.usersnames = r.sharedWith.map().join(',');
vm.listSites = function () {
var sites = [];
return $q.all(Auth.sessions.map(function (session) {
return Auth.get(session).then(function (oauth3) {
var pkg = oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com');
return pkg.list().then(function (result) {
var _sites = result.data;
if (Array.isArray(_sites)) {
sites = _sites.concat(sites);
// console.error('_sites is not an array');
// console.error(_sites);
}, function (err) {
console.error('_sites had an error');
})).then(function () {
sites.forEach(function (site) {
site.pending = !domainIsVerified(site);
// console.log('[listSites] sites:');
// console.log(sites);
vm.sites = sites;
vm.sites.forEach(function(site) {
site.urlSafeDomain = "https://" + site.domain;
site.urlSafeDomain = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(site.urlSafeDomain);
Auth.api('domains.list', {}).then(function (els) {
// console.log('[init] domains.list els:');
// console.log(els);
vm.domains = els;
$scope.domain = vm.domains;
vm.triggerDropdown = function() {
$timeout(function() {
var el = document.querySelector('.trigger-dropdown');
}, 0);
vm.checkShareRights = function (r) {
if (r.invitedBy) {
r.shareAccess = { write: false, read: false, invite: false };
if (r.mode.includes('w')) {
r.shareAccess.write = true;
if (r.mode.includes('r')) {
r.shareAccess.read = true;
if (r.mode.includes('x')) {
r.shareAccess.invite = true;
r.shareAccess.path = r.path;
} else {
r.shareAccess = { write: true, read: true, invite: true, path: '/' };
$scope.$watch('vm.selectedDomain', function (domainSelected) {
if (domainSelected !== undefined) {
vm.dom = domainSelected.description;
$scope.$watch('selectedAccess', function (selectedAccess) {
if (selectedAccess.length !== 0) {
vm.accessLevelArry = [];
vm.prettyAccessArray = [];
selectedAccess.forEach(function(letter) {
vm.prettyShareMode = vm.prettyAccessArray.join(", ");
vm.copiedShareMode = vm.accessLevelArry.join(",");
$scope.selectedAccess = [];
$scope.accessLevel = [{ name: 'Read', value: 'r' }, { name: 'Write', value: 'w' }, { name: 'Invite', value: 'x' }];
$scope.localDomainSearch = function(str, domain) {
var matches = [];
domain.forEach(function(domain) {
if ((domain.domain.toLowerCase().indexOf(str.toString().toLowerCase()) >= 0)) {
return matches;
vm.showAction = function (action) {
switch(action) {
case 'invite':
vm.showInviteContainer = true;
vm.websiteTiles = true;
vm.showBackBtn = true;
vm.displayFileTree = true;
if (vm.currentFolder === undefined || vm.currentFolder === 'hidden' || vm.currentFolder === 'root') {
vm.currentFolder = 'All Folders/Files';
case 'shares':
vm.showSharesContainer = true;
vm.websiteTiles = true;
vm.showBackBtn = true;
case 'files':
vm.showFilesContainer = true;
vm.websiteTiles = true;
vm.showBackBtn = true;
vm.buildNotification = function (result, msg) {
if (result.data.error) {
vm.alertNotification = {
className: 'danger',
title: 'Error',
hidden: '',
message: msg
} else {
vm.alertNotification = {
className: 'success',
title: 'Success',
hidden: '',
message: msg
vm.closeAllOpenActions = function () {
$timeout(function() {
vm.showInviteContainer = false;
vm.showSharesContainer = false;
vm.showFilesContainer = false;
vm.displayFileTree = false;
vm.websiteTiles = false;
vm.showBackBtn = false;
vm.autoPopulateWebPath = '';
}, 150);
app.filter('stringify', function() {
function getSerialize (fn, decycle) {
var seen = [], keys = [];
decycle = decycle || function(key, value) {
return '[Parent REFERENCE]: ' + value.id;
return function(key, value) {
var ret = value;
if (typeof value === 'object' && value) {
if (seen.indexOf(value) !== -1)
ret = decycle(key, value);
else {
if (fn) ret = fn(key, ret);
return ret;
function getPath (value, seen, keys) {
var index = seen.indexOf(value);
var path = [ keys[index] ];
for (index--; index >= 0; index--) {
if (seen[index][ path[0] ] === value) {
value = seen[index];
return '~' + path.join('.');
function stringify(obj, fn, spaces, decycle) {
return JSON.stringify(obj, getSerialize(fn, decycle), spaces);
stringify.getSerialize = getSerialize;
return function(ob) {
return stringify(ob, undefined, 2);
app.filter('capitalize', function() {
return function(input) {
return (!!input) ? input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.substr(1).toLowerCase() : '';
app.filter('prettyShareMode', function() {
return function(input) {
var newArry = [];
var arry = input.split(',');
if (action.includes('w')) {
if (action.includes('r')) {
if (action.includes('x')) {
return newArry.join(', ');