
118 lines
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app.factory('Auth', [
'$rootScope', 'localStorageService', '$location', 'azp@oauth3.org'
, function($rootScope, localStorageService, $location, Oauth3) {
var dapSession = 'dap-session';
var dapSessions = 'dap-sessions';
var Auth = {
setUser: function (currentUser) {
localStorageService.set('userAuth', JSON.stringify(currentUser));
isLoggedIn: function () {
return Auth.session || false;
getProfile: function (profile) {
return Auth.session || false;
, add: function (session) {
var obj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(dapSessions) || 'null') || {};
var dapName = 'dap-' + session.subject + '|' + session.issuer;
console.log('add session', session);
Object.keys(Auth.session).forEach(function (key) {
delete Auth.session[key];
Object.keys(session).forEach(function (key) {
Auth.session[key] = session[key];
Auth.session = session;
localStorage.setItem(dapName, JSON.stringify(session));
localStorage.setItem(dapSession, dapName);
obj[dapName] = Date.now();
localStorage.setItem(dapSessions, JSON.stringify(obj));
, restore: function () {
var dapName = localStorage.getItem(dapSession);
Auth.sessions.length = 0; // don't overwrite with a new array, keep original references
(Object.keys(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(dapSessions) || 'null') || {})).forEach(function (name) {
var session = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(name) || 'null');
if (session) {
session.email = session.subject;
if (dapName === name) {
Auth.session = session;
return Auth.session;
, select: function (session) {
var name = session.token.sub + '@' + session.token.iss;
var promise;
if (!Auth._oauth3s[name]) {
Auth._oauth3s[name] = Oauth3.create(window.location);
promise = Auth._oauth3s[name].init({
location: location
, issuer: session.issuer
, audience: session.audience || session.issuer
, session: session
}).then(function () {
console.log('a Auth._oauth3s[name]', Auth._oauth3s[name]);
return Auth._oauth3s[name];
} else {
console.log('b Auth._oauth3s[name]', Auth._oauth3s[name]);
promise = Oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(Auth._oauth3s[name]);
return promise;
, signOut: function () {
var session = Auth.session;
var dapName = 'dap-' + session.subject + '|' + session.issuer;
// TODO logout url should be created upon login and remain fixed throughout the duration of the session (or on session restoration)
return Auth.oauth3.logout().then(function () {
var obj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(dapSessions) || '{}');
delete obj[dapName];
var newDapName = Object.keys(obj).sort(function (a, b) { return obj[a] - obj[b]; })[0];
localStorage.setItem(dapSession, newDapName);
localStorage.setItem(dapSessions, JSON.stringify(obj));
if (!newDapName) {
return Auth.restore();
// localStorage.clear();
, _oauth3s: {}
, sessions: []
, session: null
, oauth3: null
Auth.oauth3 = Oauth3.create(window.location);
return Auth;