AJ ONeal coolaj86
  • Provo, UT
  • https://coolaj86.com
  • 6'5 • Technophobic Technologist + Videographer • Go, Rust, Node / VanillaJS (@JSJabber), UX, Security, IoT. Canon 24mm 50mm.

  • Joined on 2017-10-24
Command line ECDSA tools to generating key pairs and converting between JWK, various PEM formats, and SSH.
Updated 2018-11-25 06:13:00 +00:00
An ASN.1 parser in less than 100 lines of Vanilla JavaScript, part of the BlueCrypt suite.
Updated 2019-03-02 20:24:59 +00:00
An ASN.1 packer in less than 100 lines of Vanilla JavaScript, part of the BlueCrypt suite.
Updated 2019-04-16 16:10:12 +00:00
💯 SSH to JWK in a lightweight, zero-dependency library.
Updated 2018-12-12 05:31:47 +00:00
Bluecrypt SSH to JWK in VanillaJS for Browsers
Updated 2018-12-04 00:14:52 +00:00
💯 JWK to SSH in a lightweight, zero-dependency library.
Updated 2018-12-11 07:15:43 +00:00
JWK to SSH in < 100 lines of VanillaJS.
Updated 2018-12-04 00:14:15 +00:00
💯 SSH Fingerprint in a lightweight, zero-dependency VanillaJS node library.
Updated 2018-12-03 06:20:50 +00:00
SSH Fingerprint in < 150 lines of VanillaJS, part of the Bluecrypt suite for Browser Crypto.
Updated 2018-12-04 02:15:03 +00:00
Just going through the hello world at https://neon-bindings.com/docs/hello-world
Updated 2019-02-13 02:33:42 +00:00
An easy, lightweight, and secure module for fetching JWK Public Keys and verifying JWTs. Great for OIDC, Auth0, JWKs URLs.
Updated 2021-06-15 23:23:58 +00:00
CLI for Keypairs.js. It's magic.
Updated 2019-07-10 22:03:58 +00:00
A greenlock keypair and certificate storage strategy with wildcard support (simpler successor to le-store-certbot)
Updated 2019-11-02 19:28:54 +00:00
Certificate and Key storage reference implementation for Greenlock v2.7+ (and v3)
Updated 2019-04-07 17:54:37 +00:00
ACME http-01 challenge reference implementation for Greenlock v2.7+ (and v3)
Updated 2019-06-03 04:00:15 +00:00