#!/bin/bash # curl -fsSL https://ldsconnect.org/setup-osx.bash | bash -c NO_FAIL2BAN=${1} echo "" echo "" echo "Checking for" echo "" echo " * XCode Command Line Tools" echo " * wget" echo " * pkg-config" echo " * node" echo " * iojs" echo " * jshint" echo "" # XCode # testing for which git, gcc, etc will not work because the tools are aliased to the install script if [ -z "$(xcode-select --print-path 2>/dev/null)" ] || [ -z "$(git --version 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo "Hey You!!!" echo "" echo "A thingy is going to pop up and ask you to install 'command line developer tools' for 'xcode-select'" echo "" echo "You need to click Install. This installation should begin when that finishes." echo "(if that box doesn't pop up in a second or two, something went wrong)" echo "(note that it may pop up underneath this window, so check for it in the dock too)" echo "" xcode-select --install 2>/dev/null while true; do sleep 5 if [ -n "$(xcode-select --print-path 2>/dev/null)" ]; then # Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please run “sudo xcodebuild -license” and then retry this command. echo "Now running 'sudo xcodebuild -license' so that you can accept the license agreement" sudo xcodebuild -license fi # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15371925/how-to-check-if-command-line-tools-is-installed if [ -n "$(git --version 2>/dev/null)" ] && [ -n "$(xcode-select --print-path 2>/dev/null)" ]; then break; fi done echo "It looks like the other install is finishing up." echo "This installation will begin in one minute." sleep 60 fi # homebrew if [ -z "$(which brew | grep brew)" ]; then echo "installing brew (homebrew)..." ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" brew doctor else echo "updating brew..." brew update >/dev/null 2>/dev/null fi if [ -z "$(which wget | grep wget)" ]; then echo "installing wget..." brew install wget fi # http://www.fail2ban.org/wiki/index.php/HOWTO_Mac_OS_X_Server_(10.5) if [ -z "$(which fail2ban-server | grep fail2ban)" ]; then if [ -z "${NO_FAIL2BAN}" ]; then brew install fail2ban sudo cp -fv /usr/local/opt/fail2ban/*.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.fail2ban.plist fi fi if [ -z "$(which pkg-config | grep pkg-config)" ]; then echo "installing pkg-config..." brew install pkg-config fi