#!/bin/bash # Installs iojs only (no development dependencies) for both Ubuntu and OS X # # See https://github.com/coolaj86/iojs-install-script # # curl -fsSL bit.ly/iojs-min | bash # wget -nv bit.ly/iojs-min -O - | bash # curl -fsSL https://example.com/setup-min.bash | bash # wget -nv https://example.com/setup-min.bash -O - | bash BASE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coolaj86/iojs-install-script/master" OS="unsupported" ARCH="" IOJS_VER="" SETUP_FILE="" clear ######################### # Which OS and version? # ######################### if [ "$(uname | grep -i 'Darwin')" ]; then OSX_VER="$(sw_vers | grep ProductVersion | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -f2)" OSX_MAJOR="$(echo ${OSX_VER} | cut -d'.' -f1)" OSX_MINOR="$(echo ${OSX_VER} | cut -d'.' -f2)" OSX_PATCH="$(echo ${OSX_VER} | cut -d'.' -f3)" # # Major # if [ "$OSX_MAJOR" -lt 10 ]; then echo "unsupported OS X version (os 9-)" exit 1 fi if [ "$OSX_MAJOR" -gt 10 ]; then echo "unsupported OS X version (os 11+)" exit 1 fi # # Minor # if [ "$OSX_MINOR" -le 5 ]; then echo "unsupported OS X version (os 10.5-)" exit 1 fi # Snow if [ "$OSX_MINOR" -eq 6 ]; then OS='snow' fi # Lion if [ $OSX_MINOR -eq 7 ]; then OS='lion' fi # Mountain Lion if [ "$OSX_MINOR" -eq 8 ]; then OS='mountain' fi # Mavericks, Yosemite if [ "$OSX_MINOR" -ge 9 ]; then OS='mavericks' fi if [ -n "$(sysctl hw | grep 64bit | grep ': 1')" ]; then ARCH="64" else ARCH="32" fi elif [ "$(uname | grep -i 'Linux')" ]; then if [ ! -f "/etc/issue" ]; then echo "unsupported linux os" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$(arch | grep 64)" ]; then ARCH="64" else ARCH="32" fi if [ "$(cat /etc/issue | grep -i 'Ubuntu')" ]; then OS='ubuntu' elif [ "$(cat /etc/issue | grep -i 'Raspbian')" ]; then OS='raspbian' elif [ "$(cat /etc/issue | grep -i 'Fedora')" ]; then OS='fedora' fi else echo "unsupported unknown os (non-mac, non-linux)" exit 1 fi case "${OS}" in fedora) echo "FEDORA not yet supported (feel free to pull request)" exit 1 ;; ubuntu) SETUP_FILE="ubuntu" ;; raspbian) SETUP_FILE="ubuntu" ;; yosemite) # mavericks SETUP_FILE="mavericks" ;; mavericks) SETUP_FILE="mavericks" ;; mountain) echo "Mountain Lion not yet supported (feel free to pull request)" exit 1 ;; lion) echo "Lion not yet supported (feel free to pull request)" exit 1 ;; snow) echo "Snow Leopard not yet supported (feel free to pull request)" exit 1 ;; *) echo "unsupported unknown os ${OS}" exit 1 ;; esac ####################### # Download installers # ####################### echo "Preparing to install io.js (and common development dependencies) for ${OS}" "${ARCH}" if [ -n "$(which curl)" ]; then curl --silent "${BASE_URL}/setup-iojs-${SETUP_FILE}.bash" \ -o /tmp/install-iojs.bash || echo 'error downloading os setup script' elif [ -n "$(which wget)" ]; then wget --quiet "${BASE_URL}/setup-iojs-${SETUP_FILE}.bash" \ -O /tmp/install-iojs.bash || echo 'error downloading os setup script' else echo "Found neither 'curl' nor 'wget'. Can't Continue." exit 1 fi ######################### # Which io.js VERSION ? # ######################### if [ -f "/tmp/IOJS_VER" ]; then IOJS_VER=$(cat /tmp/IOJS_VER | grep v) fi if [ -z "$IOJS_VER" ]; then if [ -n "$(which curl)" ]; then IOJS_VER="$(curl -fsSL https://iojs.org/dist/index.tab | head -2 | tail -1 | cut -f 1)" \ || echo 'error automatically determining current io.js version' elif [ -n "$(which wget)" ]; then IOJS_VER="wget --quiet https://iojs.org/dist/index.tab -O - | head -2 | tail -1 | cut -f 1)" \ || echo 'error automatically determining current io.js version' else echo "Found neither 'curl' nor 'wget'. Can't Continue." exit 1 fi fi # # iojs # if [ -n "$(which iojs | grep iojs 2>/dev/null)" ]; then # iojs of some version is already installed if [ "${IOJS_VER}" == "$(iojs -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo iojs ${IOJS_VER} is already installed else echo "" echo "HEY, LISTEN:" echo "" echo "io.js is already installed as iojs $(iojs -v | grep v)" echo "" echo "to reinstall please first run: rm $(which iojs)" echo "" fi IOJS_VER="" elif [ "$(node -v 2>/dev/null)" != "$(iojs -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then # node of some version is already installed echo "" echo "HEY, LISTEN!" echo "" echo "You have node.js installed." echo "Backing up $(which node) as $(which node).$(node -v)" echo "(copy it back after the install to maintain node.js and io.js separately)" echo "" sleep 3 NODE_PATH=$(which node) NODE_VER=$(node -v) echo sudo mv "$NODE_PATH" "$NODE_PATH.$NODE_VER" sudo mv "$NODE_PATH" "$NODE_PATH.$NODE_VER" echo "################################################################################" echo "to restore backup: sudo rsync -a '"$NODE_PATH.$NODE_VER"' '$NODE_PATH'" echo "################################################################################" echo "" fi if [ -n "${IOJS_VER}" ]; then bash /tmp/install-iojs.bash "${IOJS_VER}" fi echo ""