#!/bin/bash # Installs iojs + dependencies for both Ubuntu and OS X # # See https://github.com/coolaj86/iojs-install-script # # curl -fsSL https://example.com/setup.bash | bash # wget -nv https://example.com/setup.bash -O - | bash BASE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coolaj86/iojs-install-script/master" NO_FAIL2BAN="" OS="unsupported" ARCH="" IOJS_VER="" SETUP_FILE="" clear ######################### # Which OS and version? # ######################### if [ "$(uname | grep -i 'Darwin')" ]; then OSX_VER="$(sw_vers | grep ProductVersion | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -f2)" OSX_MAJOR="$(echo ${OSX_VER} | cut -d'.' -f1)" OSX_MINOR="$(echo ${OSX_VER} | cut -d'.' -f2)" OSX_PATCH="$(echo ${OSX_VER} | cut -d'.' -f3)" # # Major # if [ "$OSX_MAJOR" -lt 10 ]; then echo "unsupported OS X version (os 9-)" exit 1 fi if [ "$OSX_MAJOR" -gt 10 ]; then echo "unsupported OS X version (os 11+)" exit 1 fi # # Minor # if [ "$OSX_MINOR" -le 5 ]; then echo "unsupported OS X version (os 10.5-)" exit 1 fi # Snow if [ "$OSX_MINOR" -eq 6 ]; then OS='snow' fi # Lion if [ $OSX_MINOR -eq 7 ]; then OS='lion' fi # Mountain Lion if [ "$OSX_MINOR" -eq 8 ]; then OS='mountain' fi # Mavericks, Yosemite if [ "$OSX_MINOR" -ge 9 ]; then OS='mavericks' fi if [ -n "$(sysctl hw | grep 64bit | grep ': 1')" ]; then ARCH="64" else ARCH="32" fi elif [ "$(uname | grep -i 'Linux')" ]; then if [ ! -f "/etc/issue" ]; then echo "unsupported linux os" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$(arch | grep 64)" ]; then ARCH="64" else ARCH="32" fi if [ "$(cat /etc/issue | grep -i 'Ubuntu')" ]; then OS='ubuntu' elif [ "$(cat /etc/issue | grep -i 'Raspbian')" ]; then OS='raspbian' elif [ "$(cat /etc/issue | grep -i 'Fedora')" ]; then OS='fedora' fi else echo "unsupported unknown os (non-mac, non-linux)" exit 1 fi case "${OS}" in fedora) echo "FEDORA not yet supported (feel free to pull request)" exit 1 ;; ubuntu) SETUP_FILE="ubuntu" ;; raspbian) SETUP_FILE="ubuntu" ;; yosemite) # mavericks SETUP_FILE="mavericks" ;; mavericks) SETUP_FILE="mavericks" ;; mountain) echo "Mountain Lion not yet supported (feel free to pull request)" exit 1 ;; lion) echo "Lion not yet supported (feel free to pull request)" exit 1 ;; snow) echo "Snow Leopard not yet supported (feel free to pull request)" exit 1 ;; *) echo "unsupported unknown os ${OS}" exit 1 ;; esac ####################### # Download installers # ####################### echo "Preparing to install io.js (and common development dependencies) for ${OS}" "${ARCH}" if [ -n "$(which curl)" ]; then curl --silent "${BASE_URL}/setup-deps-${SETUP_FILE}.bash" \ -o /tmp/install-iojs-deps.bash || echo 'error downloading os setup script' curl --silent "${BASE_URL}/setup-iojs-${SETUP_FILE}.bash" \ -o /tmp/install-iojs.bash || echo 'error downloading os setup script' elif [ -n "$(which wget)" ]; then wget --quiet "${BASE_URL}/setup-deps-${SETUP_FILE}.bash" \ -O /tmp/install-iojs-deps.bash || echo 'error downloading os setup script' wget --quiet "${BASE_URL}/setup-iojs-${SETUP_FILE}.bash" \ -O /tmp/install-iojs.bash || echo 'error downloading os setup script' else echo "Found neither 'curl' nor 'wget'. Can't Continue." exit 1 fi ################ # DEPENDENCIES # ################ if [ -z "$(which fail2ban-server | grep fail2ban)" ]; then echo "" echo "Your server didn't come with fail2ban preinstalled!!!" echo "Among other things, fail2ban secures ssh so that your server isn't reaped by botnets." echo "" echo "Since you're obviosly connecting this computer to a network, you should install fail2ban before continuing" echo "" echo "Install fail2ban? [Y/n]" echo "(if unsure, just hit [enter])" read INSTALL_FAIL2BAN if [ "n" == "${INSTALL_FAIL2BAN}" ] || [ "no" == "${INSTALL_FAIL2BAN}" ] || [ "N" == "${INSTALL_FAIL2BAN}" ] || [ "NO" == "${INSTALL_FAIL2BAN}" ]; then echo "" echo "I don't think you understand: This is important." echo "" echo "Your server will be under constant attack by botnets via ssh." echo "It only takes a few extra seconds to install and the defaults are adequate for protecting you." echo "" echo "Change your mind?" echo "Ready to install fail2ban? [Y/n]" read INSTALL_FAIL2BAN if [ "n" == "${INSTALL_FAIL2BAN}" ] || [ "no" == "${INSTALL_FAIL2BAN}" ] || [ "N" == "${INSTALL_FAIL2BAN}" ] || [ "NO" == "${INSTALL_FAIL2BAN}" ]; then clear echo "you make me sad :-(" sleep 0.5 echo "but whatever, it's your funeral..." sleep 1 NO_FAIL2BAN="nope" else echo "Phew, dodged the bullet on that one... Will install fail2ban.. :-)" fi fi fi bash /tmp/install-iojs-deps.bash "${NO_FAIL2BAN}" ######################### # Which io.js VERSION ? # ######################### if [ -f "/tmp/IOJS_VER" ]; then IOJS_VER=$(cat /tmp/IOJS_VER | grep v) fi if [ -z "$IOJS_VER" ]; then if [ -n "$(which curl)" ]; then IOJS_VER="$(curl -fsSL https://iojs.org/dist/index.tab | head -2 | tail -1 | cut -f 1)" \ || echo 'error automatically determining current io.js version' elif [ -n "$(which wget)" ]; then IOJS_VER="wget --quiet https://iojs.org/dist/index.tab -O - | head -2 | tail -1 | cut -f 1)" \ || echo 'error automatically determining current io.js version' else echo "Found neither 'curl' nor 'wget'. Can't Continue." exit 1 fi fi # # iojs # if [ -n "$(which iojs | grep iojs 2>/dev/null)" ]; then # iojs of some version is already installed if [ "${IOJS_VER}" == "$(iojs -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo iojs ${IOJS_VER} is already installed else echo "" echo "HEY, LISTEN:" echo "" echo "io.js is already installed as iojs $(iojs -v | grep v)" echo "" echo "to reinstall please first run: rm $(which iojs)" echo "" fi IOJS_VER="" elif [ "$(node -v 2>/dev/null)" != "$(iojs -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then # node of some version is already installed echo "" echo "HEY, LISTEN!" echo "" echo "You have node.js installed." echo "Backing up $(which node) as $(which node).$(node -v)" echo "(copy it back after the install to maintain node.js and io.js separately)" echo "" sleep 3 NODE_PATH=$(which node) NODE_VER=$(node -v) echo sudo mv "$NODE_PATH" "$NODE_PATH.$NODE_VER" sudo mv "$NODE_PATH" "$NODE_PATH.$NODE_VER" echo "################################################################################" echo "to restore backup: sudo rsync -a '"$NODE_PATH.$NODE_VER"' '$NODE_PATH'" echo "################################################################################" echo "" fi if [ -n "${IOJS_VER}" ]; then bash /tmp/install-iojs.bash "${IOJS_VER}" fi # jshint if [ -z "$(which jshint | grep jshint)" ]; then echo "installing jshint..." npm install --silent jshint -g > /dev/null fi echo ""