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age = int(input("How old are you?" ))
#age = print("How old are you?" , input()) # It's asking for input before prompting the user.
height = input(f"You're {age}? Nice. How tall are you? ")
weight = input("How much do you weigh? ")
print(f"So, you're {age} old, {height} tall and {weight} heavy.")
# {age} printed in absence of f
# open() allows you to open files in this syntax:
#open(name[, mode[, buffering]]) -> file object
# Likea so: with open('out.txt', 'w') as f: # W = write f = var to be used later.
# print("." * 1000000000, file=f) # A little fun with a billion dots being saved to a file.
#file(name[, mode[, buffering]]) -> file object
# Pydoc:
# Open a file. The mode can be 'r', 'w' or 'a' for reading (default),
# | writing or appending. The file will be created if it doesn't exist
# | when opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated when
# | opened for writing. Add a 'b' to the mode for binary files.
# | Add a '+' to the mode to allow simultaneous reading and writing.
# | If the buffering argument is given, 0 means unbuffered, 1 means line
# | buffered, and larger numbers specify the buffer size. The preferred way
# | to open a file is with the builtin open() function.
# | Add a 'U' to mode to open the file for input with universal newline
# | support. Any line ending in the input file will be seen as a '\n'
# | in Python. Also, a file so opened gains the attribute 'newlines';
# | the value for this attribute is one of None (no newline read yet),
# | '\r', '\n', '\r\n' or a tuple containing all the newline types seen.
# |
# | 'U' cannot be combined with 'w' or '+' mode.
# os.curdir is a string representing the current directory ('.' or ':')
# os.pardir is a string representing the parent directory ('..' or '::')
# - os.pathsep is the component separator used in $PATH etc
# - os.linesep is the line separator in text files ('\r' or '\n' or '\r\n')