# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- name = 'Zed A. Shaw' age = 35 height = 74 weight = 180 centimeters = height * 2.54 kilograms = weight * 0.45359237 eyes = 'Blue' teeth = 'White' hair = 'Brown' meh = "meh" num = 123.48989787978987 let = "h" print "Let's talk about %s." % name print "He's %d inches tall." % height print "He's %d pounds heavy." % weight print "Actually that's not too heavy." print "He's got %s eyes and %s hair." % (eyes, hair) print "His teeth are ususally %s depnding on the coffee." % teeth print "If I add %d, %d and %d I get %d." % (age, height, weight, age + height + weight) print "%r" % meh print "%f" % num #print "%f" % let # Needs a floating number. #1. Game on. #2 Done #3 # 'd' Signed integer decimal. # 'i' Signed integer decimal. # 'o' Signed octal value. (1) # 'u' Obsolete type – it is identical to 'd'. (7) # 'x' Signed hexadecimal (lowercase). (2) # 'X' Signed hexadecimal (uppercase). (2) # 'e' Floating point exponential format (lowercase). (3) # 'E' Floating point exponential format (uppercase). (3) # 'f' Floating point decimal format. (3) # 'F' Floating point decimal format. (3) # 'g' Floating point format. Uses lowercase exponential format if exponent is less than -4 or not less than precision, decimal format otherwise. (4) # 'G' Floating point format. Uses uppercase exponential format if exponent is less than -4 or not less than precision, decimal format otherwise. (4) # 'c' Single character (accepts integer or single character string). # 'r' String (converts any Python object using repr()). (5) # 's' String (converts any Python object using str()). (6) # '%' No argument is converted, results in a '%' character in the result. #4. Done.