x = "There are %d types of people." % 10 # Create a variable that is a string with a variable of %d which is equal to 10. binary = "binary" # Create variable that is a string. do_not = "don't" # Create variable that is a string. y = "Those who know %s and those who %s." % (binary, do_not) # %s and %s correspond to binary and do_not print x # Print variable x print y # Print variable y print "I also said: %r." % x #2: First # Print a string with a variable. print "I also said: '%s'." % y #2: Second and third # Print a string with the string variable y hilarious = False # Set variable hilarious to False joke_evaluation = "Isn't that joke so funny?! %r" #2: Fourth # Set a variable to a string with a variable yet to be referenced. print joke_evaluation % hilarious # print a variable and another variable (referring back to %r) w = "This is the left side of..." # A string corresponding to the left side of a bigger string. e = "a string with a right side." # A string corresponding to the right side of a bigger string. print w + e # Add the strings together. #1. Done. #2. Done #3. You called y (2 strings in a string) and x (1 string in a string) and you called joke_evaluation (line 13 & 15) which has another string in a string for a total of 4self. #4.