# Import the argv tool from sys import argv import os.path # Grab two arguments wtih argv script, filename = argv if not os.path.isfile(filename): # If file doesn't exist, create it. with open(filename, 'w') as f: # Write the following string to it. print(" NEW FILE!\n ONLY 99 CENTS!\n Just kidding, it's free.\n Welcome to the galaxy.", file=f) #Close the file. filename.close() # set the variable txt to the open command for the file taken as input. txt = open(filename) #txt.close() #Break stuff # Tells user that their file of the filename {filename} is going to be printed. print(f"Here's your file {filename}:") # Print file print(txt.read()) # Close the file txt.close() # Asks them to input the name again. print("Type the filename again:") # Take input on a prompt. file_again = input("> ") # Take input on a prompt. txt_again = open(file_again) # Read the file and print. print(txt_again.read()) txt.close() #1-4 Done. #5. Getting through argv lets you run operations on it throughout the script without having to wait for input.