# Codecademy's Python 2 Course https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-python/lessons/python-syntax/ It's gratis and accepts Python 3 syntax. # Object-oriented "The main goal of an object oriented language is to make code reusable – we do this through the use of classes and objects. If we want to design a new type of car, we can start with what they all have in common: wheels, seats, a frame. Now that we’ve determined what cars have in common, we can more easily implement any type of car we want by starting from that basic blueprint." https://discuss.codecademy.com/t/what-does-it-mean-that-python-is-an-object-oriented-language/297314 # Errors (ex5) "Mismatched quotes will cause a SyntaxError' "SyntaxError: EOL while scanning a string literal" No quotes will cause a NameError (interprets strings as commands. ) # Math (ex6) ``` mirthful_addition = 12381 + 91817 amazing_subtraction = 981 - 312 trippy_multiplication = 38 * 902 happy_division = 540 / 45 sassy_combinations = 129 * 1345 + 120 / 6 - 12 ``` ## Find the remainder of a number using % ``` is_this_number_odd = 15 % 2 is_this_number_divisible_by_seven = 133 % 7 ``` # Updating variables / operators. ``` sandwich_price += sales_tax ``` is the same as: ``` sandwich_price = sandwich_price + sales_tax ``` but is much shorter. ## Comments Are indicated by # or """This is not for running""" # Numbers An integer is like `5`, a float is a number with a decimal point like `5.0`. They can also be in scientific notation like `2.3e7` To make sure math like `7/2` = `3.5` is correct is by inputting it into Python like `7./2.` or `float(7)/2` # Strings Multi-line strings are marked by ```"""Mulit- line strings"""``` # Booleans (True/False) True = int(1) False = int(0) # Fun Projects Design a shop using Ex7 and Ex9 as a frame: 7: ``` money_in_wallet = 40 sandwich_price = 7.50 sales_tax = .08 * sandwich_price sandwich_price += sales_tax money_in_wallet -= sandwich_price ``` 9: ``` cucumbers = 1 price_per_cucumber = 3.25 total_cost = cucumbers * price_per_cucumber print(total_cost) ```