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# Python Caeser Cipher Helper v1.1.0
# Usage (encrypt): python3 encrypt secretmessage
# Usage (decrypt): python3 decrypt secretmessage
import re # Import Regex tools
import string # Import string tools
import collections # Import tools to sort letters.
from sys import argv # Import tool to process command line arguments.
#if action == "help": # If error, print help
#print("\nUsage (encrypt): python3 encrypt secretmessage")
#print("Usage (decrypt): python3 decrypt secretmessage\n")
script, action, ciphertext = argv # Take command line input.
#ciphertext = input("Please type in your cipher text:") # Set variable cipertext to the input from user.
shiftNum = input("Please enter the shift you would like to use (Just hit enter if you don't know the shift used):") # Get input
#action = input("Please enter encrypt or decrypt):") # Get input
ciphertext = re.sub (r'([^a-zA-Z]+?)', '', ciphertext) # Remove all non-letters.
ciphertext = ciphertext.lower() # Make it all lowercase.
letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase) # Use a list of lowercase letters.
def encrypt(ciphertext, shiftNum, letters): # Grab parameters
# Create local variables for this function.
letterCount = 0
letterPos = 0
answer = ""
for c in ciphertext: # For every letter in the ciphertext
while letterPos < 26: # While the letter's position in the alphabet is less than 26 (and thus valid), continue.
if ciphertext[letterCount] == letters[letterPos]: # Match the letter in the ciphertext to a letter in the alphabet and once they match, continue.
letter = int(letterPos) + int(shiftNum) # Take the position of the letter and the shift number and add them for the enciphered letter.
if letter > 25: # If the enciphered letter's position is not valid because it is too high, fix it by rotating around the alphabet.
letter = letter - 26
if letter < 0:
letter = letter + 26 # If the enciphered letter's position is not valid because it is too low, fix it by rotating around the alphabet.
answer = answer + letters[letter] # Add letters together to get the enciphered text.
letterPos = letterPos + 1 # Iterate through letter positions in the alphabet. (neccessary to find one that matches.)
if letterPos > 25: # If the letter position is greater than 25, cycle back through the alphabet.
letterPos = letterPos - 26
letterCount = letterCount + 1 # Keep track of how many times we're doing this.
print("\nYour enciphered text is: " + answer)
def decrypt(ciphertext, shiftNum, letters, commonletter): # Grab parameters
# Create local variables for this function.
letterCount = 0
letterPos = 0
answer = ""
for c in ciphertext: # For every letter in the ciphertext
while letterPos < 26: # While the letter's position in the alphabet is less than 26 (and thus valid), continue.
if ciphertext[letterCount] == letters[letterPos]: # Match the letter in the ciphertext to a letter in the alphabet and once they match, continue.
letter = int(letterPos) - int(shiftNum) # Take the position of the letter and the shift number and add them for the enciphered letter.
if letter > 25: # If the enciphered letter's position is not valid because it is too high, fix it by rotating around the alphabet.
letter = letter - 26
if letter < 0:
letter = letter + 26 # If the enciphered letter's position is not valid because it is too low, fix it by rotating around the alphabet.
answer = answer + letters[letter] # Add letters together to get the enciphered text.
letterPos = letterPos + 1 # Iterate through letter positions in the alphabet. (neccessary to find one that matches.)
if letterPos > 25: # If the letter position is greater than 25, cycle back through the alphabet.
letterPos = letterPos - 26
letterCount = letterCount + 1 # Keep track of how many times we're doing this.
print("\nYour decrypted text is: " + answer)
def freq(ciphertext):
# Create local variables for this function.
commonletter = 0
letterCount = 0
letterPos = 0
answer = ""
commonletter = collections.Counter(ciphertext).most_common()[0][0] # Find most common letter and thus the shift
for c in ciphertext:
while letterPos < 26:
if not commonletter == 0:
if commonletter == letters[letterPos]: # If the most frequent letter matches the current letter, set the shift to that letter because that is the shift for the cipher. Forgot the double equals for comparison.
shiftNum = letterPos - 4
if letterPos > 25: # If the letter position is greater than 25, cycle back through the alphabet.
letterPos = letterPos - 26
letterPos = letterPos + 1 # Iterate through letter positions in the alphabet. (neccessary to find one that matches.)
decrypt(ciphertext, shiftNum, letters, commonletter) # Decrypt using the frequency found in here.
if action == "encrypt":
encrypt(ciphertext, shiftNum, letters) # Start the encrypt() function while passing 3 variables as parameters.
if action == "decrypt":
if shiftNum == "":
decrypt(ciphertext, shiftNum, letters, commonletter)