'use strict'; module.exports.create = function (deps, config, netHandler) { var path = require('path'); var tls = require('tls'); var parseSni = require('sni'); var greenlock = require('greenlock'); var localhostCerts = require('localhost.daplie.me-certificates'); var domainMatches = require('../domain-utils').match; function extractSocketProp(socket, propName) { // remoteAddress, remotePort... ugh... https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8854 var altName = '_' + propName; var value = socket[propName] || socket[altName]; try { value = value || socket._handle._parent.owner.stream[propName]; value = value || socket._handle._parent.owner.stream[altName]; } catch (e) {} try { value = value || socket._handle._parentWrap[propName]; value = value || socket._handle._parentWrap[altName]; value = value || socket._handle._parentWrap._handle.owner.stream[propName]; value = value || socket._handle._parentWrap._handle.owner.stream[altName]; } catch (e) {} return value || ''; } function nameMatchesDomains(name, domainList) { return domainList.some(function (pattern) { return domainMatches(pattern, name); }); } var addressNames = [ 'remoteAddress' , 'remotePort' , 'remoteFamily' , 'localAddress' , 'localPort' ]; function wrapSocket(socket, opts, cb) { var reader = require('socket-pair').create(function (err, writer) { if (typeof cb === 'function') { process.nextTick(cb); } if (err) { reader.emit('error', err); return; } process.nextTick(function () { socket.unshift(opts.firstChunk); }); socket.pipe(writer); writer.pipe(socket); socket.on('error', function (err) { console.log('wrapped TLS socket error', err); reader.emit('error', err); }); writer.on('error', function (err) { console.error('socket-pair writer error', err); // If the writer had an error the reader probably did too, and I don't think we'll // get much out of emitting this on the original socket, so logging is enough. }); socket.on('close', writer.destroy.bind(writer)); writer.on('close', socket.destroy.bind(socket)); }); // We can't set these properties the normal way because there is a getter without a setter, // but we can use defineProperty. We reuse the descriptor even though we will be manipulating // it because we will only ever set the value and we set it every time. var descriptor = {enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true}; addressNames.forEach(function (name) { descriptor.value = opts[name] || extractSocketProp(socket, name); Object.defineProperty(reader, name, descriptor); }); return reader; } var le = greenlock.create({ server: 'https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' , challenges: { 'http-01': require('le-challenge-fs').create({ debug: config.debug }) , 'tls-sni-01': require('le-challenge-sni').create({ debug: config.debug }) // TODO dns-01 //, 'dns-01': require('le-challenge-ddns').create({ debug: config.debug }) } , challengeType: 'http-01' , store: require('le-store-certbot').create({ debug: config.debug , configDir: path.join(require('os').homedir(), 'acme', 'etc') , logDir: path.join(require('os').homedir(), 'acme', 'var', 'log') , workDir: path.join(require('os').homedir(), 'acme', 'var', 'lib') }) , approveDomains: function (opts, certs, cb) { // This is where you check your database and associated // email addresses with domains and agreements and such // The domains being approved for the first time are listed in opts.domains // Certs being renewed are listed in certs.altnames if (certs) { // TODO make sure the same options are used for renewal as for registration? opts.domains = certs.altnames; cb(null, { options: opts, certs: certs }); return; } function complete(optsOverride, domains) { if (!cb) { console.warn('tried to complete domain approval multiple times'); return; } // // We can't request certificates for wildcard domains, so filter any of those // // out of this list and put the domain that triggered this in the list if needed. // domains = (domains || []).filter(function (dom) { return dom[0] !== '*'; }); // if (domains.indexOf(opts.domain) < 0) { // domains.push(opts.domain); // } domains = [ opts.domain ]; // TODO: allow user to specify options for challenges or storage. Object.assign(opts, optsOverride, { domains: domains, agreeTos: true }); cb(null, { options: opts, certs: certs }); cb = null; } var handled = false; if (Array.isArray(config.domains)) { handled = config.domains.some(function (dom) { if (!dom.modules || !dom.modules.tls) { return false; } if (!nameMatchesDomains(opts.domain, dom.names)) { return false; } return dom.modules.tls.some(function (mod) { if (mod.type !== 'acme') { return false; } complete(mod, dom.names); return true; }); }); } if (handled) { return; } if (Array.isArray(config.tls.modules)) { handled = config.tls.modules.some(function (mod) { if (mod.type !== 'acme') { return false; } if (!nameMatchesDomains(opts.domain, mod.domains)) { return false; } complete(mod, mod.domains); return true; }); } if (handled) { return; } var defAcmeConf; if (config.tls.acme) { defAcmeConf = config.tls.acme; } else { defAcmeConf = { email: config.tls.email , server: config.tls.acmeDirectoryUrl || le.server , challengeType: config.tls.challengeType || le.challengeType , approvedDomains: config.tls.servernames }; } // Check config for domain name // TODO: if `approvedDomains` isn't defined check all other modules to see if they can // handle this domain (and what other domains it's grouped with). if (-1 !== (defAcmeConf.approvedDomains || []).indexOf(opts.domain)) { complete(defAcmeConf, defAcmeConf.approvedDomains); return; } cb(new Error('domain is not allowed')); } }); le.tlsOptions = le.tlsOptions || le.httpsOptions; var secureContexts = {}; var terminatorOpts = require('localhost.daplie.me-certificates').merge({}); terminatorOpts.SNICallback = function (sni, cb) { sni = sni.toLowerCase(); console.log("[tlsOptions.SNICallback] SNI: '" + sni + "'"); var tlsOptions; // Static Certs if (/\.invalid$/.test(sni)) { sni = 'localhost.daplie.me'; } if (/.*localhost.*\.daplie\.me/.test(sni)) { if (!secureContexts[sni]) { tlsOptions = localhostCerts.mergeTlsOptions(sni, {}); if (tlsOptions) { secureContexts[sni] = tls.createSecureContext(tlsOptions); } } if (secureContexts[sni]) { console.log('Got static secure context:', sni, secureContexts[sni]); cb(null, secureContexts[sni]); return; } } le.tlsOptions.SNICallback(sni, cb); }; var terminateServer = tls.createServer(terminatorOpts, function (socket) { console.log('(post-terminated) tls connection, addr:', extractSocketProp(socket, 'remoteAddress')); netHandler(socket, { servername: socket.servername , encrypted: true // remoteAddress... ugh... https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8854 , remoteAddress: extractSocketProp(socket, 'remoteAddress') , remotePort: extractSocketProp(socket, 'remotePort') , remoteFamily: extractSocketProp(socket, 'remoteFamily') }); }); terminateServer.on('error', function (err) { console.log('[error] TLS termination server', err); }); function proxy(socket, opts, mod) { var newConnOpts = require('../domain-utils').separatePort(mod.address || ''); newConnOpts.port = newConnOpts.port || mod.port; newConnOpts.host = newConnOpts.host || mod.host || 'localhost'; newConnOpts.servername = opts.servername; newConnOpts.data = opts.firstChunk; newConnOpts.remoteFamily = opts.family || extractSocketProp(socket, 'remoteFamily'); newConnOpts.remoteAddress = opts.address || extractSocketProp(socket, 'remoteAddress'); newConnOpts.remotePort = opts.port || extractSocketProp(socket, 'remotePort'); deps.proxy(socket, newConnOpts, opts.firstChunk, function () { // This function is called in the event of a connection error and should decrypt // the socket so the proxy module can send a 502 HTTP response. var tlsOpts = localhostCerts.mergeTlsOptions('localhost.daplie.me', {isServer: true}); if (opts.hyperPeek) { return new tls.TLSSocket(socket, tlsOpts); } else { return new tls.TLSSocket(wrapSocket(socket, opts), tlsOpts); } }); return true; } function terminate(socket, opts) { console.log( '[tls-terminate]' , opts.localAddress || socket.localAddress +':'+ opts.localPort || socket.localPort , 'servername=' + opts.servername , opts.remoteAddress || socket.remoteAddress ); var wrapped; // We can't emit the connection to the TLS server until we know the connection is fully // opened, otherwise it might hang open when the decrypted side is destroyed. // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/14605 function emitSock() { terminateServer.emit('connection', wrapped); } if (opts.hyperPeek) { // This connection was peeked at using a method that doesn't interferre with the TLS // server's ability to handle it properly. Currently the only way this happens is // with tunnel connections where we have the first chunk of data before creating the // new connection (thus removing need to get data off the new connection). wrapped = socket; process.nextTick(emitSock); } else { // The hyperPeek flag wasn't set, so we had to read data off of this connection, which // means we can no longer use it directly in the TLS server. // See https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8752 (node's internal networking layer == 💩 sometimes) wrapped = wrapSocket(socket, opts, emitSock); } } function handleConn(socket, opts) { opts.servername = (parseSni(opts.firstChunk)||'').toLowerCase() || 'localhost.invalid'; // needs to wind up in one of 2 states: // 1. SNI-based Proxy / Tunnel (we don't even need to put it through the tlsSocket) // 2. Terminated (goes on to a particular module or route, including the admin interface) // 3. Closed (we don't recognize the SNI servername as something we actually want to handle) // We always want to terminate is the SNI matches the challenge pattern, unless a client // on the south side has temporarily claimed a particular challenge. For the time being // we don't have a way for the south-side to communicate with us, so that part isn't done. if (domainMatches('*.acme-challenge.invalid', opts.servername)) { terminate(socket, opts); return; } if (deps.tunnelServer.isClientDomain(opts.servername)) { deps.tunnelServer.handleClientConn(socket); if (!opts.hyperPeek) { process.nextTick(function () { socket.unshift(opts.firstChunk); }); } return; } function checkModule(mod) { if (mod.type === 'proxy') { return proxy(socket, opts, mod); } if (mod.type !== 'acme') { console.error('saw unknown TLS module', mod); } } var handled = (config.domains || []).some(function (dom) { if (!dom.modules || !dom.modules.tls) { return false; } if (!nameMatchesDomains(opts.servername, dom.names)) { return false; } return dom.modules.tls.some(checkModule); }); if (handled) { return; } handled = (config.tls.modules || []).some(function (mod) { if (!nameMatchesDomains(opts.servername, mod.domains)) { return false; } return checkModule(mod); }); if (handled) { return; } // TODO: figure out all of the domains that the other modules intend to handle, and only // terminate those ones, closing connections for all others. terminate(socket, opts); } return { emit: function (type, socket) { if (type === 'connection') { handleConn(socket, socket.__opts); } } , middleware: le.middleware() }; };