'use strict'; module.exports.create = function (deps, config) { console.log('config', config); //var PromiseA = global.Promise; var PromiseA = require('bluebird'); var greenlock = require('greenlock'); var listeners = require('./servers').listeners; var parseSni = require('sni'); var modules = { }; var program = { tlsOptions: require('localhost.daplie.me-certificates').merge({}) // , acmeDirectoryUrl: 'https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' , acmeDirectoryUrl: 'https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' // , challengeType: 'tls-sni-01' // won't work with a tunnel , challengeType: 'http-01' }; var secureContexts = {}; var tunnelAdminTlsOpts = {}; var tls = require('tls'); var tcpRouter = { _map: { } , _create: function (address, port) { // port provides hinting for http, smtp, etc return function (conn, firstChunk, opts) { console.log('[tcpRouter] ' + address + ':' + port + ' ' + (opts.servername || '')); var m; var str; var hostname; var newHeads; // TODO test per-module // Maybe HTTP if (firstChunk[0] > 32 && firstChunk[0] < 127) { str = firstChunk.toString(); m = str.match(/(?:^|[\r\n])Host: ([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]*/im); hostname = (m && m[1].toLowerCase() || '').split(':')[0]; console.log('[tcpRouter] hostname', hostname); if (/HTTP\//i.test(str)) { //conn.__service = 'http'; } } if (!hostname) { // TODO allow tcp tunneling // TODO we need some way of tagging tcp as either terminated tls or insecure conn.write( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n" + "Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT\r\n" + "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" + "Content-Length: " + 9 + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "Not Found" ); conn.end(); return; } // Poor-man's http proxy // XXX SECURITY XXX: should strip existing X-Forwarded headers newHeads = [ "X-Forwarded-Proto: " + (opts.encrypted ? 'https' : 'http') , "X-Forwarded-For: " + (opts.remoteAddress || conn.remoteAddress) , "X-Forwarded-Host: " + hostname ]; if (!opts.encrypted) { // a exists-only header that a bad client could not remove newHeads.push("X-Not-Encrypted: yes"); } if (opts.servername) { newHeads.push("X-Forwarded-Sni: " + opts.servername); if (opts.servername !== hostname) { // an exists-only header that a bad client could not remove newHeads.push("X-Two-Servernames: yes"); } } firstChunk = firstChunk.toString('utf8'); // JSON.stringify("Host: example.com\r\nNext: Header".replace(/(Host: [^\r\n]*)/i, "$1" + "\r\n" + "X: XYZ")) firstChunk = firstChunk.replace(/(Host: [^\r\n]*)/i, "$1" + "\r\n" + newHeads.join("\r\n")); process.nextTick(function () { conn.unshift(Buffer.from(firstChunk, 'utf8')); }); // // hard-coded routes for the admin interface if ( /\blocalhost\.admin\./.test(hostname) || /\badmin\.localhost\./.test(hostname) || /\blocalhost\.alpha\./.test(hostname) || /\balpha\.localhost\./.test(hostname) ) { if (!modules.admin) { modules.admin = require('./modules/admin.js').create(deps, config); } modules.admin.emit('connection', conn); return; } // TODO static file handiling and such or whatever if (!modules.http) { modules.http = require('./modules/http.js').create(deps, config); } opts.hostname = hostname; conn.__opts = opts; modules.http.emit('connection', conn); }; } , get: function getTcpRouter(address, port) { address = address || ''; var id = address + ':' + port; if (!tcpRouter._map[id]) { tcpRouter._map[id] = tcpRouter._create(address, port); } return tcpRouter._map[id]; } }; var tlsRouter = { _map: { } , _create: function (address, port/*, nextServer*/) { // port provides hinting for https, smtps, etc return function (socket, firstChunk, opts) { if (opts.hyperPeek) { // See "PEEK COMMENT" for more info // This was peeked at properly, so we don't have to re-wrap it // in order to get the connection to not hang. // The real first 'data' and 'readable' events will occur as they should program.tlsTunnelServer.emit('connection', socket); return; } var servername = opts.servername; var packerStream = require('tunnel-packer').Stream; var myDuplex = packerStream.create(socket); myDuplex.remoteAddress = opts.remoteAddress || myDuplex.remoteAddress; myDuplex.remotePort = opts.remotePort || myDuplex.remotePort; console.log('[tlsRouter] ' + address + ':' + port + ' servername', servername, myDuplex.remoteAddress); // needs to wind up in one of 3 states: // 1. SNI-based Proxy / Tunnel (we don't even need to put it through the tlsSocket) // 2. Admin Interface (skips the proxying) // 3. Terminated (goes on to a particular module or route) //myDuplex.__tlsTerminated = true; process.nextTick(function () { // this must happen after the socket is emitted to the next in the chain, // but before any more data comes in via the network socket.unshift(firstChunk); }); // nextServer.emit could be used here program.tlsTunnelServer.emit('connection', myDuplex); // Why all this wacky-do with the myDuplex? // because https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8854, that's why // (because node's internal networking layer == 💩 sometimes) socket.on('data', function (chunk) { console.log('[' + Date.now() + '] tls socket data', chunk.byteLength); myDuplex.push(chunk); }); socket.on('error', function (err) { console.error('[error] httpsTunnel (Admin) TODO close'); console.error(err); myDuplex.emit('error', err); }); socket.on('close', function () { myDuplex.end(); }); }; } , get: function getTcpRouter(address, port) { address = address || ''; var id = address + ':' + port; if (!tlsRouter._map[id]) { tlsRouter._map[id] = tlsRouter._create(address, port); } return tlsRouter._map[id]; } }; // opts = { servername, encrypted, peek, data, remoteAddress, remotePort } function peek(conn, firstChunk, opts) { // TODO port/service-based routing can do here // TLS byte 1 is handshake and byte 6 is client hello if (0x16 === firstChunk[0]/* && 0x01 === firstChunk[5]*/) { console.log('tryTls'); opts.servername = (parseSni(firstChunk)||'').toLowerCase() || 'localhost.invalid'; tlsRouter.get(opts.localAddress || conn.localAddress, conn.localPort)(conn, firstChunk, opts); return; } console.log('tryTcp'); if (opts.hyperPeek) { // even though we've already peeked, this logic is just as well to let be // since it works properly either way, unlike the tls socket conn.once('data', function (chunk) { console.log('hyperPeek re-peek data', chunk.toString('utf8')); tcpRouter.get(opts.localAddress || conn.localAddress, conn.localPort)(conn, chunk, opts); }); return; } tcpRouter.get(opts.localAddress || conn.localAddress, conn.localPort)(conn, firstChunk, opts); } function netHandler(conn, opts) { opts = opts || {}; console.log('[netHandler]', conn.localAddres, conn.localPort, opts.encrypted); // XXX PEEK COMMENT XXX // TODO we can have our cake and eat it too // we can skip the need to wrap the TLS connection twice // because we've already peeked at the data, // but this needs to be handled better before we enable that // (because it creates new edge cases) if (opts.hyperPeek) { console.log('hyperpeek'); peek(conn, opts.firstChunk, opts); return; } conn.once('data', function (chunk) { peek(conn, chunk, opts); }); } function dnsListener(msg) { var dgram = require('dgram'); var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); socket.send(msg, config.dns.proxy.port, config.dns.proxy.address || ''); } function approveDomains(opts, certs, cb) { // This is where you check your database and associated // email addresses with domains and agreements and such // The domains being approved for the first time are listed in opts.domains // Certs being renewed are listed in certs.altnames function complete(err, stuff) { opts.email = stuff.email; opts.agreeTos = stuff.agreeTos; opts.server = stuff.server; opts.challengeType = stuff.challengeType; cb(null, { options: opts, certs: certs }); } if (certs) { // TODO make sure the same options are used for renewal as for registration? opts.domains = certs.altnames; cb(null, { options: opts, certs: certs }); return; } // check config for domain name if (-1 !== config.tls.servernames.indexOf(opts.domain)) { // TODO how to handle SANs? // TODO fetch domain-specific email // TODO fetch domain-specific acmeDirectory // NOTE: you can also change other options such as `challengeType` and `challenge` // opts.challengeType = 'http-01'; // opts.challenge = require('le-challenge-fs').create({}); // TODO this doesn't actually work yet complete(null, { email: config.tls.email, agreeTos: true, server: program.acmeDirectoryUrl, challengeType: program.challengeType }); return; } // TODO ask http module about the default path (/srv/www/:hostname) // (if it exists, we can allow and add to config) if (!modules.http) { modules.http = require('./modules/http.js').create(deps, config); } modules.http.checkServername(opts.domain).then(function (stuff) { if (!stuff || !stuff.domains) { // TODO once precheck is implemented we can just let it pass if it passes, yknow? cb(new Error('domain is not allowed')); return; } complete(null, { domain: stuff.domain || stuff.domains[0] , domains: stuff.domains , email: stuff.email || program.email , server: stuff.acmeDirectoryUrl || program.acmeDirectoryUrl , challengeType: stuff.challengeType || program.challengeType , challenge: stuff.challenge }); return; }, cb); } function getAcme() { return greenlock.create({ //server: 'staging' server: 'https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' , challenges: { // TODO dns-01 'http-01': require('le-challenge-fs').create({ webrootPath: '/tmp/acme-challenges', debug: config.debug }) , 'tls-sni-01': require('le-challenge-sni').create({ debug: config.debug }) //, 'dns-01': require('le-challenge-ddns').create() } , store: require('le-store-certbot').create({ webrootPath: '/tmp/acme-challenges' }) //, email: program.email //, agreeTos: program.agreeTos , approveDomains: approveDomains //, approvedDomains: program.servernames }); } deps.tunnel = deps.tunnel || {}; deps.tunnel.net = { createConnection: function (opts, cb) { console.log('[gl.tunnel] creating connection'); // here "reader" means the socket that looks like the connection being accepted // here "writer" means the remote-looking part of the socket that driving the connection var writer; var wrapOpts = {}; var rawTls = opts.tls || (0x16 === opts.data[0]) && (0x01 === opts.data[5]); function usePair(err, reader) { if (err) { process.nextTick(function () { writer.emit('error', err); }); return; } // this has the normal net/tcp stuff plus our custom stuff // opts = { address, port, // hostname, servername, tls, encrypted, data, localAddress, localPort, remoteAddress, remotePort, remoteFamily } Object.keys(opts).forEach(function (key) { wrapOpts[key] = opts[key]; try { reader[key] = opts[key]; } catch(e) { // can't set real socket getters, like remoteAddr } }); // A few more extra specialty options wrapOpts.localAddress = wrapOpts.localAddress || ''; // TODO use the tunnel's external address wrapOpts.localPort = wrapOpts.localPort || 'tunnel-0'; try { reader._remoteAddress = wrapOpts.remoteAddress; reader._remotePort = wrapOpts.remotePort; reader._remoteFamily = wrapOpts.remoteFamily; reader._localAddress = wrapOpts.localAddress; reader._localPort = wrapOpts.localPort; reader._localFamily = wrapOpts.localFamily; } catch(e) { } netHandler(reader, wrapOpts); process.nextTick(function () { //opts.data = wrapOpts.data; // this cb will cause the stream to emit its (actually) first data event // (even though it already gave a peek into that first data chunk) console.log('[tunnel] callback, data should begin to flow'); cb(); }); } wrapOpts.firstChunk = opts.data; wrapOpts.hyperPeek = !!opts.data; // encrypted meaning is *terminated* TLS // tls meaning is *raw* TLS if (rawTls) { // TLS sockets must actually use a socket with a file descriptor // https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_class_net_socket writer = require('socket-pair').create(function (err, other) { usePair(err, other); }); } else { // stream-pair can only be used by TCP sockets, not tls writer = require('stream-pair').create(); usePair(null, writer.other); } return writer; } }; Object.keys(program.tlsOptions).forEach(function (key) { tunnelAdminTlsOpts[key] = program.tlsOptions[key]; }); tunnelAdminTlsOpts.SNICallback = function (sni, cb) { console.log("[tlsOptions.SNICallback] SNI: '" + sni + "'"); var tlsOptions; // Static Certs if (/.*localhost.*\.daplie\.me/.test(sni.toLowerCase())) { // TODO implement if (!secureContexts[sni]) { tlsOptions = require('localhost.daplie.me-certificates').mergeTlsOptions(sni, {}); } if (tlsOptions) { secureContexts[sni] = tls.createSecureContext(tlsOptions); } if (secureContexts[sni]) { console.log('Got static secure context:', sni, secureContexts[sni]); cb(null, secureContexts[sni]); return; } } if (!program.greenlock) { program.greenlock = getAcme(); } (program.greenlock.tlsOptions||program.greenlock.httpsOptions).SNICallback(sni, cb); }; program.tlsTunnelServer = tls.createServer(tunnelAdminTlsOpts, function (tlsSocket) { console.log('(pre-terminated) tls connection, addr:', tlsSocket.remoteAddress); // things get a little messed up here //tlsSocket.on('data', function (chunk) { // console.log('terminated data:', chunk.toString()); //}); //(program.httpTunnelServer || program.httpServer).emit('connection', tlsSocket); //tcpRouter.get(conn.localAddress, conn.localPort)(conn, firstChunk, { encrypted: false }); netHandler(tlsSocket, { servername: tlsSocket.servername , encrypted: true // remoteAddress... ugh... https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8854 , remoteAddress: tlsSocket.remoteAddress || tlsSocket._remoteAddress || tlsSocket._handle._parent.owner.stream.remoteAddress , remotePort: tlsSocket.remotePort || tlsSocket._remotePort || tlsSocket._handle._parent.owner.stream.remotePort , remoteFamily: tlsSocket.remoteFamily || tlsSocket._remoteFamily || tlsSocket._handle._parent.owner.stream.remoteFamily }); }); var listenPromises = config.tcp.ports.map(function (port) { return listeners.tcp.add(port, netHandler); }); if (config.dns.bind) { if (Array.isArray(config.dns.bind)) { listenPromises = listenPromises.concat(config.dns.bind.map(function (port) { return listeners.udp.add(port, dnsListener); })); } else { listenPromises.push(listeners.udp.add(config.dns.bind, dnsListener)); } } return PromiseA.all(listenPromises); };