Lightweight library for getting Free SSL certifications through Let's Encrypt, using the ACME protocol
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# Let's Encrypt™ + JavaScript = [ACME.js](
| Built by [Root]( for [Hub](
5 years ago
## Automated Certificate Management Environment
ACME ([RFC 8555]( is the protocol that powers **Let's Encrypt**.
ACME.js is a _low-level_ client that speaks RFC 8555 to get Free SSL certificates through Let's Encrypt.
Looking for an **easy**, _high-level_ client? Check out [Greenlock.js](
5 years ago
# Quick Start
var acme = ACME.create({ maintainerEmail, packageAgent, notify });
await acme.init(directoryUrl);
// Create Let's Encrypt Account
var accountOptions = { subscriberEmail, agreeToTerms, accountKey };
var account = await acme.accounts.create(accountOptions);
// Validate Domains
var certificateOptions = { account, accountKey, csr, domains, challenges };
var pems = await acme.certificates.create(certificateOptions);
// Get SSL Certificate
var fullchain = pems.cert + '\n' + pems.chain + '\n';
await fs.promises.writeFile('fullchain.pem', fullchain, 'ascii');
# Online Demo
We expect that our hosted versions will meet all of yours needs.
If they don't, please open an issue to let us know why.
We'd much rather improve the app than have a hundred different versions running in the wild.
However, in keeping to our values we've made the source visible for others to inspect, improve, and modify.
6 years ago
# Features
6 years ago
| 15k gzipped | 55k minified | 88k (2,500 loc) source with comments |
Supports the latest (Nov 2019) release of Let's Encrypt in a small, lightweight, Vanilla JS package.
- [x] Let's Encrypt v2
- [x] ACME RFC 8555
- [x] November 2019
- [x] POST-as-GET
- [ ] StartTLS Everywhere&trade; (in-progress)
- [x] IDN (i.e. `.中国`)
- [x] ECDSA and RSA keypairs
- [x] JWK
- [x] PEM
- [x] DER
- [x] Native Crypto in Node.js
- [x] WebCrypto in Browsers
- [x] Domain Validation Plugins
- [x] tls-alpn-01
- [x] http-01
- [x] dns-01
- [x] **Wildcards**
- [x] **Localhost**
- [x] Private Networks
- [x] [Create your own](
- [x] Vanilla JS\*
- [x] No Transpiling Necessary!
- [x] Node.js
- [x] Browsers
5 years ago
- [x] WebPack
- [x] Zero External Dependencies
- [x] Commercial Support
- [x] Safe, Efficient, Maintained
\* Although we use `async/await` in the examples,
the codebase is written entirely in Common JS.
6 years ago
# Use Cases
6 years ago
- Home Servers
- IoT
- Enterprise On-Prem
- Web Hosting
- Cloud Services
- Localhost Development
6 years ago
The public API encapsulates the three high-level steps of the ACME protocol:
1. API Discovery
2. Account Creation
- Subscriber Agreement
3. Certificate Issuance
- Certificate Request
- Authorization Challenges
- Challenge Presentation
- Certificate Redemption
5 years ago
## API Overview
The core API can be show in just four functions:
5 years ago
5 years ago
ACME.create({ maintainerEmail, packageAgent, notify });
5 years ago
acme.accounts.create({ subscriberEmail, agreeToTerms, accountKey });
customerEmail, // do not use
5 years ago
Helper Functions
5 years ago
5 years ago
hostname: '',
challenge: { type: 'dns-01', token: 'xxxx' }
| Parameter | Description |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| account | an object containing the Let's Encrypt Account ID as "kid" (misnomer, not actually a key id/thumbprint) |
| accountKey | an RSA or EC public/private keypair in JWK format |
| agreeToTerms | set to `true` to agree to the Let's Encrypt Subscriber Agreement |
| challenges | the 'http-01', 'alpn-01', and/or 'dns-01' challenge plugins (`get`, `set`, and `remove` callbacks) to use |
| csr | a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which may be generated with `@root/csr`, openssl, or another |
| customerEmail | Don't use this. Given as an example to differentiate between Maintainer, Subscriber, and End-User |
| directoryUrl | should be the Let's Encrypt Directory URL<br>`` |
| domains | the list of altnames (subject first) that are listed in the CSR and will be listed on the certificate |
| maintainerEmail | should be a contact for the author of the code to receive critical bug and security notices |
| notify | all callback for logging events and errors in the form `function (ev, args) { ... }` |
| packageAgent | should be an RFC72321-style user-agent string to append to the ACME client (ex: mypackage/v1.1.1) |
| skipChallengeTests | do not do a self-check that the ACME-issued challenges will pass (not recommended) |
| skipDryRun: false | do not do a self-check with self-issued challenges (not recommended) |
| subscriberEmail | should be a contact for the service provider to receive renewal failure notices and manage the ACME account |
**Maintainer vs Subscriber vs Customer**
- `maintainerEmail` should be the email address of the **author of the code**.
This person will receive critical security and API change notifications.
- `subscriberEmail` should be the email of the **admin of the hosting service**.
This person agrees to the Let's Encrypt Terms of Service and will be notified
when a certificate fails to renew.
- `customerEmail` should be the email of individual who owns the domain.
This is optional (not currently implemented).
Generally speaking **YOU** are the _maintainer_ and you **or your employer** is the _subscriber_.
If you (or your employer) is running any type of service
you **SHOULD NOT** pass the _customer_ email as the subscriber email.
If you are not running a service (you may be building a CLI, for example),
then you should prompt the user for their email address, and they are the subscriber.
## Events
These `notify` events are intended for _logging_ and debugging, NOT as a data API.
| Event Name | Example Message |
| -------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `certificate_order` | `{ subject: '', altnames: ['...'], account: { key: { kid: '...' } } }` |
| `challenge_select` | `{ altname: '*', type: 'dns-01' }` |
| `challenge_status` | `{ altname: '*', type: 'dns-01', status: 'pending' }` |
| `challenge_remove` | `{ altname: '*', type: 'dns-01' }` |
| `certificate_status` | `{ subject: '', status: 'valid' }` |
| `warning` | `{ message: 'what went wrong', description: 'what action to take about it' }` |
| `error` | `{ message: 'a background process failed, and it may have side-effects' }` |
Note: DO NOT rely on **undocumented properties**. They are experimental and **will break**.
If you have a use case for a particular property **open an issue** - we can lock it down and document it.
5 years ago
# Example (Full Walkthrough)
### See [examples/](
A basic example includes the following:
1. Initialization
- maintainer contact
- package user-agent
- log events
2. Discover API
- retrieves Terms of Service and API endpoints
3. Get Subscriber Account
- create an ECDSA (or RSA) Account key in JWK format
- agree to terms
- register account by the key
4. Prepare a Certificate Signing Request
- create a RSA (or ECDSA) Server key in PEM format
- select domains
- choose challenges
- sign CSR
- order certificate
covers all of these steps, with comments.
5 years ago
# Install
5 years ago
To make it easy to generate, encode, and decode keys and certificates,
ACME.js uses [Keypairs.js](
and [CSR.js](
5 years ago
5 years ago
npm install --save @root/acme
5 years ago
var ACME = require('@root/acme');
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
5 years ago
(necessary in case the webserver headers don't specify `plain/text; charset="UTF-8"`)
5 years ago
var ACME = require('@root/acme');
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
<summary>Vanilla JS</summary>
5 years ago
5 years ago
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
5 years ago
(necessary in case the webserver headers don't specify `plain/text; charset="UTF-8"`)
5 years ago
<script src=""></script>
5 years ago
5 years ago
<script src=""></script>
5 years ago
6 years ago
5 years ago
var ACME = window['@root/acme'];
6 years ago
5 years ago
6 years ago
# Challenge Callbacks
The challenge callbacks are documented in the [test suite](,
function create(options) {
var plugin = {
init: async function(deps) {
// for http requests
plugin.request = deps.request;
zones: async function(args) {
// list zones relevant to the altnames
set: async function(args) {
// set TXT record
5 years ago
get: async function(args) {
// get TXT records
remove: async function(args) {
// remove TXT record
// how long to wait after *all* TXT records are set
// before presenting them for validation
propagationDelay: 5000
return plugin;
6 years ago
The `http-01` plugin is similar, but without `zones` or `propagationDelay`.
5 years ago
Many challenge plugins are already available for popular platforms.
Search `acme-http-01-` or `acme-dns-01-` on npm to find more.
| Type | Service | Plugin |
| ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| dns-01 | CloudFlare | acme-dns-01-cloudflare |
| dns-01 | [Digital Ocean]( | acme-dns-01-digitalocean |
| dns-01 | [DNSimple]( | acme-dns-01-dnsimple |
| dns-01 | [DuckDNS]( | acme-dns-01-duckdns |
| http-01 | File System / [Web Root]( | acme-http-01-webroot |
| dns-01 | [GoDaddy]( | acme-dns-01-godaddy |
| dns-01 | [Gandi]( | acme-dns-01-gandi |
| dns-01 | [NameCheap]( | acme-dns-01-namecheap |
| dns-01 | [Name&#46;com]( | acme-dns-01-namedotcom |
| dns-01 | Route53 (AWS) | acme-dns-01-route53 |
| http-01 | S3 (AWS, Digital Ocean, Scaleway) | acme-http-01-s3 |
| dns-01 | [Vultr]( | acme-dns-01-vultr |
| dns-01 | [Build your own]( | acme-dns-01-test |
| http-01 | [Build your own]( | acme-http-01-test |
| tls-alpn-01 | [Contact us]( | - |
# Running the Tests
npm test
5 years ago
## Usa a dns-01 challenge
6 years ago
Although you can run the tests from a public facing server, its easiest to do so using a dns-01 challenge.
5 years ago
You will need to use one of the [`acme-dns-01-*` plugins](
to run the test locally.
5 years ago
5 years ago
### For Example
5 years ago
# Get the repo and change directories into it
5 years ago
git clone
pushd acme.js/
5 years ago
# Install the challenge plugin you'll use for the tests
npm install --save-dev acme-dns-01-digitalocean
## Create a `.env` config
5 years ago
You'll need a `.env` in the project root that looks something like the one in `examples/example.env`:
5 years ago
# Copy the sample .env file
rsync -av examples/example.env .env
# Edit the config file to use a domain in your account, and your API token
#vim .env
code .env
# Run the tests
node tests/index.js
# Developing
Join `@rootprojects` `#general` on [Keybase]( if you'd like to chat with us.
5 years ago
# Contributions
Did this project save you some time? Maybe make your day? Even save the day?
Please say "thanks" via Paypal or Patreon:
- Paypal: [\$5]( | [\$10]( | Any amount: <>
- Patreon: <>
Where does your contribution go?
[Root]( is a collection of experts
who trust each other and enjoy working together on deep-tech,
Indie Web projects.
Our goal is to operate as a sustainable community.
Your contributions - both in code and _especially_ financially -
help to not just this project, but also our broader work
of [projects]( that fuel the **Indie Web**.
Also, we chat on [Keybase](
in [#rootprojects](
# Commercial Support
5 years ago
Do you need...
- more features?
- bugfixes, on _your_ timeline?
- custom code, built by experts?
- commercial support and licensing?
You're welcome to [contact us]( in regards to IoT, On-Prem,
Enterprise, and Internal installations, integrations, and deployments.
5 years ago
We have both commercial support and commercial licensing available.
We also offer consulting for all-things-ACME and Let's Encrypt.
# Legal &amp; Rules of the Road
5 years ago
ACME.js&trade; is a [trademark]( of AJ ONeal
The rule of thumb is "attribute, but don't confuse". For example:
5 years ago
> Built with [ACME.js]( (a [Root]( project).
Please [contact us]( if have any questions in regards to our trademark,
5 years ago
attribution, and/or visible source policies. We want to build great software and a great community.
5 years ago
[ACME.js]( |
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