no-acme #10

lastlink scala 13 commity/ów z lastlink/bluecrypt-keypairs.js:no-acme do master 2019-05-11 22:32:00 +00:00
  • fixed merge issue
  • jwk to jwt & jws
* fixed merge issue * jwk to jwt & jws
coolaj86 zatwierdza te zmiany 2019-05-11 21:58:39 +00:00
coolaj86 zostawił komentarz

Approving so this can merge, but will you PR again to remove the debug value for the key and use the generated key instead?

Approving so this can merge, but will you PR again to remove the debug value for the key and use the generated key instead?
@ -52,3 +54,2 @@
kty: $('input[name="kty"]:checked').value
, namedCurve: $('input[name="ec-crv"]:checked').value
, modulusLength: $('input[name="rsa-len"]:checked').value
, namedCurve: $('input[name="ec-crv"]:checked').value

these aren't aligned. I wouldn't stop a merge for that, just want you to notice.

these aren't aligned. I wouldn't stop a merge for that, just want you to notice.
@ -112,1 +166,4 @@
$('.js-generate').hidden = false;
$('.js-sign').hidden = false;
$('textarea[name="jwk"]').value = JSON.stringify({

What's this hard-coded value for?

What's this hard-coded value for?
lastlink zamknął(-ęła) ten pull request 2019-05-11 22:32:00 +00:00
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Reference: coolaj86/bluecrypt-keypairs.js#10
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