Bluecrypt SSH to JWK in VanillaJS for Browsers
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Bluecrypt SSH to JWK (for Browsers)

A minimal library to parse an SSH public key ( and convert it into a public JWK using Vanilla JS.

Works for RSA and ECDSA public keys.


< 150 lines of code | 1.0kb gzipped | 2.4kb minified | 3.7kb with comments

Need SSH Private Keys?

SSH private keys (id_rsa) are just normal PEM files, so you can use Eckles or Rasha, as mentioned above.

Web Demo

git clone
pushd bluecrypt-ssh-to-jwk.js/
open index.html


You can use it as a plain-old javascript library:

<script src=""></script>

It's also on npm:

npm install bluecrypt-ssh-to-jwk


Very simple:

var pub = 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBCE9Uli8bGnD4hOWdeo5KKQJ/P/vOazI4MgqJK54w37emP2JwOAOdMmXuwpxbKng3KZz27mz+nKWIlXJ3rzSGMo= root@localhost';

var ssh = SSH.parse(pub);;

Other Tools in the Bluecrypt Suite


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