
987 B

Electron Demo

Example of a simple Electon app that uses the features described as "sexy" by the webtorrent team.


So far the following have been implemented

  • tray.js: Tray integration
  • progress.js: Dock badge count and window progress bar
  • notifications.js: Notifications
  • menu.js: Custom menu and keyboard shortcuts
  • crash-reporter.js: Reporting side of the crash reporting
  • drag-drop-main.js: Handling of drag-and-drop events onto the dock or launcher
  • drag-drop-render.js: Handling of drag-and-drop events onto the window


The following have not yet been implemented in this demo

  • One-step build
  • Signed installers for all platforms
  • Automatic updaters for Mac and Windows

Running the app without installation

npm install
npm start

Creating the .deb

npm install
npm run build
npm run deb64

The installer will be placed in dist/installers