
35 lines
987 B

# Electron Demo
Example of a simple `Electon` app that uses the features
[described as "sexy" by the webtorrent team](https://blog.dcpos.ch/how-to-make-your-electron-app-sexy).
## Contents
So far the following have been implemented
* `tray.js`: Tray integration
* `progress.js`: Dock badge count and window progress bar
* `notifications.js`: Notifications
* `menu.js`: Custom menu and keyboard shortcuts
* `crash-reporter.js`: Reporting side of the crash reporting
* `drag-drop-main.js`: Handling of drag-and-drop events onto the dock or launcher
* `drag-drop-render.js`: Handling of drag-and-drop events onto the window
## Missing
The following have not yet been implemented in this demo
* One-step build
* Signed installers for all platforms
* Automatic updaters for Mac and Windows
## Running the app without installation
npm install
npm start
## Creating the .deb
npm install
npm run build
npm run deb64
The installer will be placed in `dist/installers`