adding propagationDelay property to returned object in _normalizeChallenge #50

coolaj86 sapludināja 1 revīzijas no :add-propagationdelay uz master pirms 4 gadiem
Ghost komentēja pirms 4 gadiem

If you are using a custom dns-01 challenge the propagationDelay property is not included with the normalized challenger object.

Acme/acme.js outputs a warning of this missing property at

If you are using a custom dns-01 challenge the propagationDelay property is not included with the normalized challenger object. Acme/acme.js outputs a warning of this missing property at

I read the email first, now looking at this.

You are correct. I misunderstood.

I read the email first, now looking at this. You are correct. I misunderstood.
coolaj86 apstiprināja izmaiņas pirms 4 gadiem
coolaj86 atstāja komentāru

Indeed, you are correct. Thank you!

coolaj86 sapludināja revīziju 1a60d53c32 atzarā master pirms 4 gadiem

I've got another bugfix that's waiting on some testing feedback and I'll publish this alongside that.

I've got another bugfix that's waiting on some testing feedback and I'll publish this alongside that.


coolaj86 apstiprināja izmaiņas pirms 4 gadiem
Izmaiņu pieprasījums tika sapludināts ar revīziju 1a60d53c32.
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