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# hello
I wanted to try out neon (rust bindings for node.js),
so I started reading [the neon guide](https://neon-bindings.com/docs/intro)
and spun this up as my playground.
There's probably not too much interesting here,
but if you look in `native/src/lib.rs` you'll see
the examples I've been trying out.
npm install -g neon
git clone https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/hello.neon.js.git
pushd hello.neon.js/
neon build --release
var hello = require('.');
node example.js
## How I made this
1. Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org).
2. Install build tools
* macOS: XCode and `xcode-select install` (CLI Tools)
* Windows: `npm install --global --production windows-build-tools`
* Ubuntu: `sudo apt install -y build-essential`
3. Install Rust
4. Install neon; Create (and rename) project
npm install --global neon-cli
neon version
neon new hello.neon
mv hello.neon hello.neon.js
pushd hello.neon.js
neon build
Then I just followed along in
[the docs](https://neon-bindings.com/docs/hello-world)
and [the examples](https://github.com/neon-bindings/examples)