A complete client-side browser application for an OAuth3 issuer implementation.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1.0 KiB


| oauth3.js | issuer.html | issuer.rest.walnut.js | issuer.srv | Sponsored by ppl

This is a browser application which implements the issuer side of the authorization_dialog flow for OAuth3.

It may be used client-side only (public key or granted scope syncing will be disabled), or will the issuer.rest.walnut.js APIs on the backend for full functionality.

For use with walnut it must be installed to /opt/walnut/packages/pages/issuer@oauth3.org

git clone git@git.oauth3.org:OAuth3/org.oauth3.git /opt/walnut/packages/pages/issuer@oauth3.org
pushd /opt/walnut/packages/pages/issuer@oauth3.org
bash ./install.sh
echo "issuer@oauth3.org" >> /opt/walnut/var/sites/EXAMPLE.COM

This uses the OAuth3 JavaScript SDK oauth3.js as a subpackage in /opt/walnut/packages/pages/issuer@oauth3.org/assets/oauth3.org.