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# Keypairs CLI
The most useful and easy-to-use crypto cli on the planet
(because `openssl` is confusing).
* [x] Universal Standards-based Crypto Support:
* [x] RSA (2048, 3072, 4096, 8192)
* [x] EC (NIST ECDSA) P-256 (prime256v1, secp256r1), P-384 (secp384r1)
* [x] Supported Encodings: PEM, JSON
* [x] Private Key Formats: PKCS1, SEC1, PKCS8, JWK, OpenSSH
* [x] Public Key Formats: PKCS1, PKIX (SPKI), SSH
* [x] Create JWT tokens
* [x] Sign JWT/JWS claims/tokens/payloads
* [x] Verify JWT/JWS tokens/json
# Install
You must have [node.js]( installed.
npm install --global keypairs-cli
# Usage
Guess and check.
The keypairs CLI is pretty fuzzy. **If you just type at it, it'll probably work.**
That said, the fuzzy behavior is _not_ API-stable and is subject to change,
so you should only script to the documented syntax. ;)
# Overview
* Generate: `keypairs gen`
* Convert: `keypairs ./priv.pem`
* Sign: `keypairs ./priv.pem sign '{"sub":""}'`
* Verify: `keypairs verify 'xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz'`
## Generate a New Key
No arguments - generates a universally compatible key of more-than-sufficient entropy.
keypairs gen
Generate an ecdsa key:
keypairs gen ec P-256
Generate an RSA key:
keypairs gen rsa 2048
## Parse/Convert an existing key
keypairs ./priv.pem
keypairs '{"kty":"EC",...}'
keypairs ./priv.jwk.json
**Syntax**: `keypairs <in> [priv-out opts...] [pub-out opts...]`
keypairs <inkey> [[encoding|scheme] [priv-out]] [[encoding|scheme] [pub-out]] [public|private]
**Note**: If you specify a private _and_ a public key, and you want to specify the schema/encoding
of the public key, you must also specify the scheme and encoding of the public key. Order matters.
Private keys come first.
JWK Keypair to PEM-encoded Private and Public keys:
keypairs ./priv.json pem pkcs1 ./priv.pem pem spki ./pub.pem
keypairs ./priv.json pem ./priv.pem ssh ./pub.json
keypairs ./priv.json pkcs8 ./priv.pem spki ./pub.json
PEM Keypair to JSON-encoded JWK (Public Key Only):
keypairs ./priv.pem jwk ./priv.pem public
keypairs ./priv.pem json ./priv.pem public
Generic PEM to JWK:
keypairs priv.pem priv.jwk.json
keypairs priv.pem priv.jwk.json pub.jwk.json
keypairs priv.pem pub.jwk.json public
# fails if the input is public
keypairs priv.pem priv.jwk.json private
Generic JWK to PEM:
keypairs '{"kty":"EC",...}' priv.pem
keypairs priv.json priv.pem
## Sign a Token (JWT)
<!-- or Payload (JWS) -->
keypairs ./priv.pem sign '{"sub":""}' 1h
## Verify a JWT (Token)
<!-- or JWS (Payload) -->
Verify a JWT based on its issuer
keypairs verify 'xxx.yyy.zzz'
Verify using a specific key
keypairs priv.pem verify 'xxx.yyy.zzz' nofetch