41 lines
842 B
41 lines
842 B
This is my personal exploration of the sample grep project in Chapter 12 of "The Rust Book".
Install Rust
To run this project you first need to install rust:
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
If you already have rust installed you can update it to the latest version like so:
restup update
Install grep.rs
git clone https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/grep.rs
pushd rust.rs/
cargo init --bin --name grep
cargo run
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/rust-lang/rust.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/rust.vim
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/majutsushi/tagbar.git ~/.vim/bundle/tagbar
echo 'let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = "/Users/aj/github.com/universal-ctags/ctags/ctags"' >> ~/.vimrc
echo 'let g:rustfmt_autosave = 1' >> ~/.vimrc