Fix keypairs module reference in lib/rsa.js #5

Ghost souhaite fusionner 1 révision(s) depuis (supprimé) : 204-requirefix vers master
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rsa-compat tries to require a module called Keypairs but fails horribly as it should not be capitalized and should instead be keypairs. This results in the currently released v2.0.4 failing horribly as soon as any other application tries to utilize it.

`rsa-compat` tries to `require` a module called `Keypairs` but fails horribly as it should not be capitalized and should instead be `keypairs`. This results in the currently released v2.0.4 failing horribly as soon as any other application tries to utilize it.

Thanks. I ran the tests on my mac and didn't catch the typo.

Thanks. I ran the tests on my mac and didn't catch the typo.
coolaj86 a fermé cette demande d'ajout 2019-03-15 03:44:14 +00:00.

I would have merged in your commit, but I had a comment from someone else and fixed it before I saw this.

I would have merged in your commit, but I had a comment from someone else and fixed it before I saw this.

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Référence : coolaj86/rsa-compat.js#5
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