- Provo, UT
- https://coolaj86.com
6'5 • Technophobic Technologist + Videographer • Go, Rust, Node / VanillaJS (@JSJabber), UX, Security, IoT. Canon 24mm 50mm.
- Joined on
Pass new-reg and authz URLs to storage backend.
Add missing field to regr.json.
Add missing field to regr.json.
Error: self check does not pass
Actually, that’s the purpose of the webroot option, so the answe is a resounding “Yes!”
ECDSA support
@travislavery We have all of the pieces except for one: signing a CSR. Let's get that done and then I'll spend some more time defining the abstraction for ECDSA and we can wrap it al up.
Consider monorepo / ECDSA Support
Closing as the feature is being worked on in the aforementioned repo, but making a note to update for those following when it's released.
Consider monorepo / ECDSA Support
Sticky: ACME v2 (now available)
improve error message as per coolaj86/greenlock.js#12
Sticky: How to troubleshoot E_PREFAIL_CHALLENGE
Error: self check does not pass
In order to decrease the likelihood of being blocked for hitting bad request rate limits I implemented a "dry run" to catch errors before the real request is made to the ACME server.
lucky version 2.2.16
tested new error logging
better logging for approveDomains