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456 lines
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# Codecademy's Python 2 Course
It's gratis and accepts Python 3 syntax.
# Object-oriented
"The main goal of an object oriented language is to make code reusable – we do this through the use of classes and objects. If we want to design a new type of car, we can start with what they all have in common: wheels, seats, a frame. Now that we’ve determined what cars have in common, we can more easily implement any type of car we want by starting from that basic blueprint."
# Errors (ex6, CH1, P3)
"SyntaxError means there is something wrong with the way your program is written — punctuation that does not belong, a command where it is not expected, or a missing parenthesis can all trigger a SyntaxError.
A NameError occurs when the Python interpreter sees a word it does not recognize. Code that contains something that looks like a variable but was never defined will throw a NameError."
SyntaxError example: `SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal`
# Math (ex6)
mirthful_addition = 12381 + 91817
amazing_subtraction = 981 - 312
trippy_multiplication = 38 * 902
happy_division = 540 / 45
sassy_combinations = 129 * 1345 + 120 / 6 - 12
exponents = (16 ** 0.5) # 16 to the 1/2th power. (4)
remainder = (15 % 2) # The remainder (and thus the result) equals 1
## Find the remainder of a number using %
is_this_number_odd = 15 % 2
is_this_number_divisible_by_seven = 133 % 7
# Updating variables / operators.
sandwich_price += sales_tax
is the same as:
sandwich_price = sandwich_price + sales_tax
but is much shorter.
## Comments
Are indicated by # or """This is not for running"""
# Numbers
An integer is like `5`, a float is a number with a decimal point like `5.0`. They can also be in scientific notation like `2.3e7`
In Python 2, you need to make sure math like `7/2` = `3.5` is correct is by inputting it into Python like `7./2.` or `float(7)/2`
## Limitations of floats
Floats are limited by the number of digits. For example `1/3 = 0.3`
>>> format(math.pi, '.12g') # give 12 significant digits
>>> format(math.pi, '.2f') # give 2 digits after the point
# Strings
Multi-line strings are marked by
# Booleans (True/False)
True = int(1)
False = int(0)
## Boolean Expressions
`and` evaluates true if both are true.
`or` evaluates true if either are true.
`not` return the opposite boolean value.
## Relational Operators (ch.4, ex. 3)
`==` returns `True` if is is equal
`!=` returns `True` if is is NOT equal
Here are more of he same kind of operator:
`>` greater than
`<` less than
`>=` greater than or equal to
`<=` less than or equal to
# if, else, if else
`elif` = if else
# Datatypes
Force treating as a string: str(7)
Force treating as an integer: int("7")
Force treating as a float: float(7)
## Check Datatypes
Check datatypes using type(var)
# Escaping Characters
Simply add a `\` to escape a character that would otherwise cause issues.
# Arrays / Indexes
`cows = "cows"[0]`
This sets the variable `cows` to the 0th letter of the string `"cows"` which is `c`. These indexes start at 0, not 1.
# Strings
## String Methods
`len(var)` Get length of string.
`var.lower()` Force lowercase
`var.upper()` Force uppercase
`str(var)` Force treating variable as a string.
If it uses dot notation like `.lower()`, it works exclusively on strings.
## Concatenation
`"Ten times a cow is equal to " + result + " with 10 times as many breeding opportunities."`
`print(var, var2, var3)`
`string1 += string2`
## String Formatting with %
`"%s %s - 2020" % (month, day) # Replace %s with a variable. First the month, then the day.`
`Add %03d to specify a signed integer padded 2 places with zeros. For example, 2 becomes 02.`
This is super useful for displaying dates like this: `print("%02d-%02d-%02d") % (now.month, now.day, now.year)` or time like this: `print '%02d:%02d:%04d' % (now.hour, now.minute, now.second)` (Ch3, Ex. 4)
## Date and Time (Ch3)
Grab the current time:
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()
year = now.year
month = now.month
day = now.day
# Function P3 Ch.2
## Defining a Function
def greet_customer():
## Calling Functions
or if it has parameters:
# Passing Arguments
## Using Keyword Arguments
Keyword arguments are nice for specifying a default but changeable argument.
Here's an example from P3, Ch2, ex7
def create_spreadsheet(title, row_count = 1000):
row_count = str(row_count)
print("Creating a spreadsheet called " + title + " with " + row_count +" rows.")
create_spreadsheet("Applications", row_count = 10)
row_count = 1000
is the default
row_count = 10
is the passed argument and thus what is used for a result:
Creating a spreadsheet called Applications with 10 rows.
## Returning Stuff
You can return stuff like this to store for later:
def addfour(number, cow):
addedfour = number + 4
cat = number - 4
return addedfour, cat # All returned arguments must be on the same return call.
I'll make it add four to 456
yo, cow = addfour(456)
print ("456 + 4 equals " + str(yo) )
You can also do this with multiple arguments:
x_squared, y_squared = square_point(1, 3)
# Lists
You can put either strings, integers or other lists in a list, probably other things too.
`heights = [['Jenny', 61], ['Alexus', 70], ['Sam', 67], ['Grace', 64]]`
Use zip to combine elements from two lists: `zip(names, dogs_names)` would match dogs and their owners.
But don't forget to turn it into a list before printing `print(list(zipvar))`
You can append values to lists like this:
orders = ['daisies', 'periwinkle']
You can add lists like this: `['list1', 'stuff'] + ['list2', 'stuff']` but need to use `lst1 + lst2` and not `[lst1] + [lst2]`
## Ranges
You can get a range of numbers using `range()`
It will give you all numbers under the number you input. For example, `range(8)` would give you 0-7, `range(1, 8)` would give you 1-7, and `range(1, 8, 2)` would give you 1,3,5,7 (2 is the interval) Use `print(list(var))` when printing.
## length
Grab length with `len(list)`
# Selecting List elements
Use: `listname[indexnumber]`
The index starts at 0. Grab the last in an index using `list[-1]`
## Giving values to list elements
`lst[index] = indexlst`
## Cutting the middle of a list (ex3, functions + lists, ch.4)
def remove_middle(lst, start, end):
end = end + 1
return lst[:start] + lst[end:]
print(remove_middle([4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42], 1, 3))
This prints `[4, 23, 42]` removing the index 1-3.
# If something occurs more than N times, return True
def more_than_n(lst, item, n):
if lst.count(item) > n:
return True
return False
print(more_than_n([2, 4, 6, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2], 2, 3))
## More frequency analysis
def more_frequent_item(lst, item1, item2):
if (lst.count(item1)) > (lst.count(item2)):
return item1
if lst.count(item2) > lst.count(item1):
return item2
if lst.count(item1) == lst.count(item2):
return item1
#Uncomment the line below when your function is done
print(more_frequent_item([2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3], 2, 3))
## A creative original solution to grabbing the middle of an index (solving their problem with their names)
def middle_element(lst):
if len(lst) % 2 > 0:
rounded = round(len(lst) / 2)
rounded = int(rounded)
return lst[rounded]
elif len(lst) % 2 == 0:
position = int((len(lst) / 2) - 1)
position2 = int(len(lst) / 2)
both = (lst[position] + lst[position2]) / 2
return both
print(middle_element([5, 2, -10, -4, 4, 5, 7]))
### Add the last two elements, append them. (Ex.8)
def append_sum(lst):
trip = 0
while trip < 3:
lasttwo = lst[-2:]
added = lasttwo[0] + lasttwo[1]
trip = trip + 1
return lst
#Uncomment the line below when your function is done
print(append_sum([1, 1, 2]))
### Sublists
Grab a subset of a list using `sublist = letters[1:6]` This would give you index **1-5**.
You can also do `[:5]` for all up to index 4, and `[5:]` for all after index 5. And, you can do `[-3:]` for the last 3 in an index.
## Counting frequency of elements in a list.
## Sorting strings alphabetically
or use
sortedvar = sorted(var)
to produce a new list with sorted contents without changing the original variable.
## Sorting strings based on an element in a sublist
Replace 1 with the index you want to sort by.
`pizzas.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])``
# Catch Errors
except NameOfError:
print("Nice little message to user.")
# Fun Projects
Design a shop using Ex7 and Ex9 as a frame:
money_in_wallet = 40
sandwich_price = 7.50
sales_tax = .08 * sandwich_price
sandwich_price += sales_tax
money_in_wallet -= sandwich_price
cucumbers = 1
price_per_cucumber = 3.25
total_cost = cucumbers * price_per_cucumber
`total_price += nice_sweater`
Cool concept from Ch2 Ex15:
name = raw_input("What is your name? ")
quest = raw_input("What is your quest? ")
color = raw_input("What is your favorite color? ")
print "Ah, so your name is %s, your quest is %s, " \
"and your favorite color is %s." % (name, quest, color)